This Is The End

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I went in on his right side and jabbed his ribs and jumped back. He went to try jumping at me. I dodged him the rolled to the right. I kicked the back of his knee so he would drop and i grabbed him by the top and bottom of his head. Ready to twist when someone interrupted.

"Isabella don't kill him. Take his title and throw him in the dungeons." It was my brother. I know he was only looking out for me.

"If i do that he wont ever leave me alone. He will just keep escaping and making my life miserable. Don't you think hes done that enough? Why should I have to watch out for my own safety. While he'd get nothing but a nice cell to sit and plot in. No I need to end this before he ends me like in past history. Prepare brother to be an Alpha because your about to be. Welcome to the club." With that I snapped his neck hard enough for it to come completely off. I looked at his detacted head and saw his eyes were closed and he had tears.

"Well brother congrats on being the Alpha of this pack. You may want to have a meeting now. Oh and lock Lucas and Ava up. They helped Damien in this whole ordeal." I tossed his head at my brother and walked away.

~at the meeting~

I walked up to the stage.

"You all know who I am. I am Isabelle White. Ex-Mates with your previous Alpha. He rejected me, humiliated me, try to trick me, try to steal me away from my mate. Ive been through hell and back. Im the best warrior out there. Im also the one that took Alpha Damiens life. Im the reason Cole is now your Alpha. He threatened what was mine and i don't handle that very well. He had let his wolf into the darkness because of the rejection he caused with us. He turned dark, had pack members lie to the Royals, tried to get me to be his luna after he rejected me and i got a second chance while he had to suffer with what he did to himself. I hold no remorse for taking his life. I hope he can find peace in the next life. I'm sorry for what has happened but I will do my best to help Alpha Colton to be better then he was. It will be my way of fixing what I broke. I hope all of you forgive me for what has happened. Now I'll introduce your New Alpha. Everyone Alpha Colton." I pointed towards Colton as he walked up. I dipped my head in his direction as everyone bowed.

"Today is sad news. I was there while it happened. He shouldnt have went out the way he did. Bella is right. He needed to be stopped and nothing would have held him back. I'm hoping you guys will put your faith in me and help build this pack back up to what it used to be. We are a family and need to work together. Does any one have any questions?" He asked while everyone sat there and took in the infromation that was just given to them. How could any one not have a question about what was going on. Suddenly someone raised their hand and asked," I'm sure i speak for most when i say we are upset we lost an alpha but we've gained someone who is going to be looking out for us and not try to get us killed. Alpha Damien was getting darker as the days grew on. Now we have someone who is light and strength. So to you Alpha Colton I accept" the man kneeled and bowed his head. Then slowly one by one everyone slowly did the same thing. I looked at my brother who had tears in his eyes.

"You'll do great. You have great support from the pack. You deserve this. Go do what you do best." I gave him a hug and headed towards Zane.

"Let's go home." I smiled and gave him a kiss. Walking towards the exit I heard my name being called.

"Shouldn't you be tending to your new pack? You know getting to know them, socialize?" I rolled my eyes and looked at Colton.

"I wanted to say before you go. You're welcomed here anytime. I miss you and want to get to know you again." He said.

"Thank you Colton and same, we will keep in touch but your gonna be busy for the first couple months as new Alpha." I gave hik a hug and walked away," but im sure youll make time for me. Ill see you soon." I heard him laugh a bit before going and talking to his pack.

The End!!!!

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