Chapter 19: Alley of Ink

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Dylan dragged Boris by leash down the block and in front of a dark alley. He put down the leash and tied it around his ankle, and pulled out a massive map from his hair. The map was extremely old, and was withering away. It didn't necessarily show accurate buildings and roads, but Dylan assumed it would work just fine.

"Okay," He grunted as a huge horsefly darted past and grabbed a corner of the map, tearing off a large amount of the yellowing paper. "According to this handy map I happen to have inherited from somebody's pocket on the way here, we should be able to get to Carlos's house faster through here." He smiled into the abyss.

"Do you have a flashlight or something? I can't keep peeing glowstick fluid forever, you know." Boris said as he devoured another container of glowsticks, facing Dylan and frowning.

"No, I do not!" Dylan shouted confidently, marching into the alley with Boris following. He tossed the map aside, and it crumbled into dust with the abundant gunshots and screams in the near distance.

Boris growled and bit Dylan's leg, causing Dylan to cry out in pain. "BORIS!" He yelled, stumbling and falling over completely. He thumped onto the damp concrete coated in cigarettes and used protection.

Boris whimpered as something in the darkness shifted. He let out an enormous sneeze, causing himself to fly up a foot in the air and crash back down on Dylan's leg. From behind him, he heard something say, "God bless you."

Dylan glanced nervously around the two of them, and reached out a hand to nothing in particular. Boris wiped his nose on Dylan's pants and muttered, "Thanks, whoever that was."

Dylan stood up and attempted to observe his surroundings. "Hello?" He said, grabbing a lit cigar off the ground and shining it around him.

"That's not going to give you any light." The same voice spoke, this time sounding like it was surrounding them. "Here."

Above them, a small lightbulb flickered on. It was connected to either end of the alley with a small rope, and only really lit up a small area, but it was good enough to see who was speaking to them.

Boris gasped, and stumbled backwards into his own glowstick pee.

Standing before them was what looked like a female version of Boris.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, not at all aware that she may be related to Boris. "This place isn't too safe for human boys."

Dylan rolled his eyes, and stuck the cigar into his mouth. "Yeah, it does look very unsafe, especially since there's no natural light at all whatsoever here." He spoke sarcastically, spitting out the cigar which landed on Boris. "OW!" Boris screamed, leaping three feet in the air and doing karate kicks at nothing.

"Are you Kung-fu Boris or something?" The girl asked, observing him. Boris merely stared at her for a moment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself!" The girl laughed, and bowed. "I am Borisalina, the only female Boris ever created! I mean, it was accidental, but still!"

Dylan glanced in between the two. "Do you guys know each other or something?"

They both turned to stare at Dylan. "Do you not see the slightest resemblance?" They said in unison.

Dylan met their gaze and scooped up the cigar which was covered now in dog poop, sticking it back in his mouth. "Well, I guess you guys have the same nose," Dylan said.

Boris spun back around to face Borisalina. "How many more are there? Of . . . of the failed versions?" He cringed at the word choice.

"Oh, hundreds." Borisalina spoke casually, adjusting her leather jacket. Boris quickly observed her, with her tight-fitting black jeans that showed off her perfect slim-thick figure to the steel toe boots she wore to the sniper rifle very obviously sticking out of her pocket.

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