Chapter 6: Joey's House

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They arrived at Joey's place in about 30 minutes. It really should've taken 5, but traffic was horrific. "You do have a bathtub, right?" Sammy asked as Joey sped into the driveway, the side of the car squealing as he smashed into the mailbox. "Of course!" Joey said, stepping out of the beat-up car and into the fresh afternoon air. He lead Sammy into the house. "I don't think my girlfriend's home yet, so that's good." He took Sammy into the bathroom. Joey started the bath. "Um, i have a question. Are you going to take those trousers off before you get in?" Sammy didn't answer. "Would you like some music?" Joey asked. Once again, Sammy didn't answer. He was watching the rising water in the bath.

Joey turned on the stereo. He then started playing "Build Our Machine". Sammy screamed and covered his ears. "Turn it off—TURN IT OFF!!!" Joey quickly turned it off. "Jeez, sorry." Joey said awkwardly.

Sammy shut off the tap and climbed into the bathtub. "Uh . . . Shouldn't you take that off first—nevermind." Joey sighed and stood up. "Soap's to your left if you need it."Joey walked out the room and shut the door.

Sammy grabbed the bar of soap and scrubbed his arm. "Oh god, it's not coming off . . ." He scrubbed harder. "No, this can't be happening . . ." Sammy let out a cry. "Come on, come on . . ." Sammy looked at the bath water. "Why is the water still crystal-clear?" There wasn't a drop of ink in the bath tub, it was only on him. Sammy sighed with frustration. He leaned against the back of the bathtub. "Well this sucks." He looked at the bar of soap and groaned. The bar of soap was black. "Oh sure, the soap's black but the bath is n—" he looked at the bath water, which was now pitch black. "Oh gods, JOEY!" Joey walked in and a horrified look flashed across his face. "That is disgusting. Make sure you clean that up when you're done."

Sammy scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, sorry. Um . . . I guess I'll drain the bath now." He pulled up the now-black bath plug and put it on the side of the bathtub. The black water all drained out to reveal an empty ebony bathtub. "Heh," Sammy gave a short sarcastic laugh. "I should start cleaning this up."

- Half An Hour Later -

Joey and Sammy were exhausted. They had been endlessly scrubbing the bathtub for the last 30 minutes and they were almost finally done with the bottom.

Vroom vroom, skrrt!
Joey stopped in his tracks. "Oh god, my girlfriend's  home . . . go hide upstairs in the guest bedroom. Nobody ever goes in there." He shoved Sammy out of the room and ran to open the door as a kind gesture for his girly. "Hey, Audrey-boo," Joey said, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. "How was your day?"

Sammy thundered up the stairs like the god of lightning and sonic combined. He threw open every door in sight to try and find the guest bedroom, which was difficult since Joey's upstairs floor had way too many rooms for the house's size.

Finally, the very last door he opened at the end of the hallway held the guest bedroom. Sammy sighed with relief as he entered the room and shut the door quietly. He walked over and sat on the guest bed's comforter, rubbing his hands through the fluffy material. "Ooh, soft," He muttered to himself. He stood and looked at where he was sitting a moment before. A huge inky stain coated the cover of the comforter, likely already embedded in the fabric. "I really hope they didn't like this comforter . . ."

Back downstairs, Audrey have Joey a weird look. "Um, Jo?"


"What's going on upstairs?" She said, obviously having heard Sammy's little dash up the stairs.

Joey froze. "W-what are you talking about?" Joey laughed nervously. Audrey glared and pushed past him. "You know me, Joey," she said as she slowly walked up the creaky stairs, "I'm a curious girl." When she got to the top, she froze as she noticed every door had been thrown violently open except for one at the end of the hall, which was closed.

She glided over to the humble little doorway, cautiously approaching the doorknob. "Joey, you are one terrible liar." She said, turning around to look at him before she kicked down the door.

"Holy crap," Audrey said, taking in the man that stood before her. "Who the hamburger are you?" Since this story is and will remain family friendly.

Sammy was frozen like a wet rag someone left out overnight in winter. "I said," Audrey began, taking a step further in the room, Joey directly behind her. "Who the hamburger are you!" Sammy couldn't speak, but luckily Joey cut in. "He's my friend. Also, why didn't you just open the door? We wouldn't have to pay for the damages if you just opened it like any other person would."

Audrey stared at Joey. "Your friend? Really." She folded her arms and gave Joey the stink eye. "Doesn't he have his own place to stay?" Audrey asked Joey. Joey and Audrey both looked at Sammy.

"Uh . . .I was one of the missing workers at Joey's workplace. Pretty sure my parents are dead, so I don't have anywhere—" Audrey gasped. "Seriously?" She interrupted, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. "Joey, how did you find him?" She looked to Joey. "Um, well i was checking some old closet when Sammy here fell right out—" Audrey cut Joey off. "YOU'RE SAMMY LAWRENCE!?" She screamed in Sammy's face. "Uh, the last time i checked, yes . . .am i famous?" Sammy winced at her bad breath. "Oh, nope, you're not famous. BUT YOU WILL BE!" With that, Audrey skipped out of the room and stumbled down the stairs.

"What's up with her?" Sammy asked, trying to cover the black spot on the bed. "She works for the newspaper company, and she likes to take opportunities." Joey explained apologetically. That was all Sammy needed to hear to realize she'd publish an article telling everyone that he was alive. Sammy sat back down on the bed, suddenly lost in thought.

"What happened to the comforter? That was Audrey's favourite one," Joey asked, looking at the huge black stain. "Wha-what are you talking about! I don't see anything! Actually, I think I might be going blind!" Sammy said, trying to lie smoothly but failing miserably. Joey slapped his forehead. "Don't let Audrey see it, and you'll be fine.

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