"Because you're going to tell him?"

"No," his stern glare put me on edge, "Because Luke isn't dumb. He'll figure it out. Especially if you keep lying."

"It's not a lie."

"Then why are you sneaking around? Why did she tell Lucas one thing and me something else?" Shane got in my face, "Get your shit together and end it before anything goes too far."

"You can tell me what to do on the field, Captain, but this is none of your business."

"It's a mistake that's going to blow up in your face."

"Look at where we are," I threw my arms out to the quiet room of concerned faces. "If I back out now, I'll still end up like Noah. I kissed her, man. There's no redemption in Luke's eyes after that. I'll be his sole target for weeks regardless."

"You'll regret this," Shane added glancing over my shoulder.

"Maybe, but I won't regret being with her." I spun on my heel and left him. Left the waiting room then the hospital. I cursed as I realized I had no car. Leaning against Shane's Jeep I waited for one of my teammates to emerge so I could catch a ride back to my car.

Standing beside my car, I contemplated my next move. The house was less than twenty feet from me. Her car still sat in the drive. Every few minutes she would pass by the picture window. Her hair was down, floating behind her as she walked by. I didn't have to see her face to know those hazel eyes were sparkling.

If I was going down for the past week, then I was going down on my own terms. I raced up the path leading to the porch. My knuckles rocked against the door. She opened the door, a sweet smile curling into place as she saw me. I extended my hand to her and pulled her out of the house. She closed the door and we ran to my car.


My fingers combed through her hair as she apologized for the tenth. Her head rested on my chest while she talked. I told her about the fight with Shane. How he had told me to stop whatever it was we had going on. She lost her smile and went pale. That was when the first apology was given. The second was when we got to the state park.

Even now, as she rambled on about why she told him, I could feel another one on the tip of her tongue. My fingers stopped midway through her hair and I tilted my head toward her.

"Blaine," my hand went to find hers. "You really need to stop apologizing. You're starting to sound like a softy."

"Am not," she shoved at my hand. The hint of a smile graced her lips and my own returned.

"But you sound like one. Wouldn't be interesting to see everyone's faces when they find out the secret wild child who can play football is actually just a delicate flower?"

"You wouldn't," she smacked my chest. Her smile stretching from ear to ear now.

"Why not?"

"Then I would have to kick your ass."

"There she is," my hand pushed some hair from face then cupped her cheek. "The feisty, rebellious girl I know."

Rolling her eyes she put her head back down on my chest and curled her body around mine. This was the same spot she was in when I knew I was in deep. I welcomed the feeling now as my arms wove around her.

"What if Shane is right?"

"You want to call all of this off? We haven't had time to discuss it."

"No," she bit her lip, "Maybe we should tell my brother."

"If that's what you want."

"I could test the waters first."

"Tell him your dating Joe," I chuckled.

"I was thinking telling him I liked someone and I wanted start dating."

"Leave out the names. Could work."

Shifting beside me, she crossed her arms over my chest and stared at me. As she studied me, I felt like she was reading past my expression. Those beautiful, hazel eyes staring as a peacefulness washed over her. My hand mindlessly rubbed her back.



"Should we discuss what this is?"

"I'd like that. It didn't sound good when I told Shane that we kiss with nothing else tied to it. It would be nice to be able to call you my girlfriend."

"You think you can handle me?"

"I know I can," I leaned forward the slightest bit. She closed the space and pressed her lips to mine. She moved again to straddle my lap. I sat up while my hands grasped her hips. Her arms snaked around my neck as the kiss deepened.

Within seconds we were lost again. Our lips moving as one. My hands wandering to her ass and up her side. A gentle tug on my hair and I knew her fingers had woven their way in. Content with taking my time, I softened the kiss. We had plenty of time to truly get lost in each other. Right now, in the state park, wasn't the place. She deserves only the best, and I planned to make sure everything will be perfect.

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