Chaotic Lillian

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"Hey, Mr. Dadzawa! Any reason I'm in your apartment? I also don't recall my hair being so long, but maybe that's just me! It's actually pretty crazy, don't you think? I had no idea it could grow this fast! I must have drunk something." Lillian chirped with more energy than even Mic managed to muster up most mornings. He flinched. Mr. what? And drunk? "Oh, never mind that. Wouldn't be the first time I crashed at your pad! Can't believe there's no broken windows this time. Awesome snake, by the way! What's his name? I thought you were more of a cat guy, to be honest!"

Lillian plopped down in front of him, tilting her head happily and not looking at all like she was bullshitting him. Aizawa very slowly turned off the stove, his lips pressed tightly together. Someone had to have put her up to this, right? She knew who Yeet was, and she was acting like they didn't live together. The hair comment was also a bit odd. All that aside, he'd never seen Lillian act like this in the mornings. She'd usually come out, her hair an absolute mess and still in her pajamas. The girl before him didn't have a single hair out of place, and her uniform was on, even if the tie wasn't done.

"...That's your snake. Yeet?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow. She raised one back. His statement didn't make her falter. Aizawa's concern was growing. He had a feeling that maybe this wasn't a charade. If she wasn't faking, they had a problem. A big problem.

"Well, thank you for the snake then. I didn't realize you could make vine references." She waved a hand, slipping of the stool. "Well, I'm off to class! Kaminari will be wondering where I am."

"Wait, wait, what?" Aizawa dropped the spatula onto the stove top, the unfinished pancake abandoned in the pan. There were several things wrong with what she'd just said, but one stuck out like a sore thumb. "What do you mean? Kaminari is terrified of you."

"Everyone is terrified of me, Dadzawa." Lillian countered, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly. Another red flag. Something was horribly wrong. This wasn't his daughter, was it? No, it was. She was just... different. Not necessarily dangerous, but there was something off. Very, very off. Had she been hit by a quirk somehow? He wasn't sure when that would have happened. Yeah, sometimes she snuck off to Hitoshi's, but she never failed to text him when she did so. 

"Who're your parents?" Aizawa tested, blinking out of his daze and moving to follow her as she strutted towards the door. She threw an odd look over her shoulder, seeming confused. Aizawa held his breath, trying to recall the last time he'd seen her. It had been last night at three in the morning, and she'd been perfectly normal. So sometime in the past three to four hours, something had happened to her. Had someone broken in?

"June and Hisato Faust. You've met them before." She shrugged. Aizawa felt his heart plummet, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping in horror. That was wrong. This was wrong. Oh no. This wasn't good at all. "Peace out, Dadzawa!" 

"W-Wait-" He sputtered out, but it was too late. She was already gone, happily singing to herself as she skipped out the door.


Lillian, the one we know, love, and adore woke up with a gasp. She jolted up in a bed that was only slightly familiar with strands of hair brushing oddly against her jaw. Immediately, her hands flew up to where her hair was chopped off at the chin. Having such a light head felt weird. Her eyes went wide. She wasn't exactly against getting her hair cut, but it would be nice if someone told her before they did it, or something like that. Her blue eyes darted around, waiting to see Hitoshi or Neito with a camera. Maybe Chad. She froze immediately. This was wrong. This was very, very incorrect, and it needed to not.

Freeze Frame: One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora