57 - Butting Heads

Start from the beginning

It had been almost a week now since Minas Tirith had been won by our side. Shockingly, all was still quiet. I was thankful for this serene time. It gave me time to catch up on lost time with the others, especially Merry.

Speaking of Merry, he had been a bit...off for a few days. It had started two days ago. He had talked to Pippin about something, and from then on, had this odd look in his eyes. I tried to weed the information out of him, but he was good at dodging my interrogation.

As I came back from my bath, clothed in a warm brown gown, I entered the room to find Merry atop the bed, having two full napkins of food. I smiled at his gesture.

"I thought you might like a little breakfast in bed," he said cheerily. "I snatched enough for us both."

I scampered up the bed to join Merry for breakfast. Ever since that night he had stayed with me, he moved in. Nobody seemed to oppose the change, especially me. It was almost like living together back in the Shire.

Thinking about it, it was a huge step in the relationship, the relationship that we really hadn't been able to participate in due to all the complications that were thrown our way.

We ate in silence. I knew this would be the perfect time to try and get the information out of Merry that I wanted.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

Merry crushed up his napkin. "What do you mean?"

"You've been acting a bit odd these past few days." I looked down at my hands. "What's gotten into you?"


"Are you keeping things from me, Merry?" Suspicion coated my tone.


I looked into his eyes. "Say that to me again."

"I'm not keeping things from you."

"I don't believe you." I rubbed my arm. "I thought we would tell each other everything? Why are you keeping this from me?"

"Because I know what you'll say if I tell you. So, to save my breath and our time, I won't say anything."

"You really want to play the stubborn game with me?" I retorted sharply. I inched closer to him. "Tell me what's going on. You don't have to be this way about it."

"I don't want to tell you."

"Is it something that I'll find out eventually if you don't tell me?"

"It is."

"Well, then save me the suspense of having to wait and tell me already!"


"Can I try and make a deal with you on it?"

"It depends on the terms."

"Well, you know what I want. What are your terms?"

"I don't have any, because I'm not telling you." Merry slid off the bed.

"So I can't negotiate?" I asked heatedly, sliding off the bed after him. "Is it not your place to tell me or something? Do I have to ask someone else?"

"You can try, but I'm sure they won't tell you." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"What's the big secret that I can't know about, but you can?" I asked impatiently.

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