12 - "We Could Go Home."

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Frodo saw me, and we met halfway. I nearly burst into tears. I knew I wasn't dreaming this; he looked and felt too real.

"You're awake," I crooned, stroking his face. "The Elves did wonders on you. You look much better."

"I feel it," Frodo said, laughing. "It shouldn't surprise you when I tell you Gandalf was the first person I saw when waking up."

"No, it doesn't surprise me." I grinned. "Did he tell you why he didn't meet us at the Prancing Pony? He told me he was 'delayed.' He never really went into an explanation."

"We may never know, then, because he never told me anything, either. Sam told me you were having a hard time while travelling here." Frodo lowered his voice.

"We weren't followed."

"No, he meant about you specifically."


"Frodo!" Pippin squeaked.

I beamed as Frodo, Merry, and Pippin all had a nice reunion. It was like they hadn't seen each other in ages, the way they bounced around and embraced each other. Things felt somewhat normal again.

"Oh, there's someone else you need to see!" I told Frodo.

He looked at me curiously. "Who?"

"Your uncle."

"Bilbo's here?"

"Yes!" Giddy, I grabbed Frodo, tugging him along behind me.

We didn't have to search for very long. We rounded a corner to see Bilbo sitting on a bench, a big book in his lap. I hadn't realized how much Bilbo aged. I guess I hadn't really thought about it, being that I had been so happy to see him yesterday.

"Bilbo!" Frodo cried.

"Hello, Frodo," Bilbo said warmly, rising from the bench to meet his nephew with an embrace.

"I'll let you two catch up," I said politely.

"Why?" Frodo asked. "Join us, Marlena."

"I've already had my time with him, you have yours. You'll see me later, anyway. You two have a lot to talk about, I'm sure."

I waved goodbye before turning on my heel to flit back into the courtyard. I noticed a big difference. Sam, Merry, and Pippin had all disappeared. I couldn't have left the courtyard with Frodo that long ago for such a drastic change to take place. And since when had there been a sack and a few things that looked familiar?

My head tilted in curiosity. I crept over to examine the stuff. It looked like things we had brought on our journey when leaving the Shire. What was this stuff doing here?

"I thought you were off with Frodo, Marlena?" Sam asked me.

I looked to see him bringing things in each arm. "What are you doing?" I asked back, stepping away as Sam lay down the stuff he had in his arms with everything else.

"I'm packing."

"Packing?" I repeated.



"Well, we did what Gandalf told us to. There's no reason for us to go anywhere further than this."

"Are you saying that we should be heading back home after this?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. You, me, Merry, Pippin, and Frodo—we could all go back to the Shire! We could go home, Marlena."

Wait a minute, I told myself. What about the One Ring? What's going to happen to it now? What will happen to it if we leave it in others' hands? Will anybody be able to keep it safe and hidden from those who want to return it to Sauron?

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