Rey tilts her head, lips twisting wryly. Gotta catch a break sometime, she seems to say.

Rose grunts softly, turning forward. They continue on, bit by bit, pressing one palm down, then another. The rescues follow their lead, careful to make as little sound as possible.

Despite the tenseness of the situation, Rey feels more at peace than she has in days. Slave rescues may be dangerous, but there's sharpness to them, a simplicity of purpose. She has one goal— get these people to freedom— and there is nothing else until that goal is achieved.

It's a welcome contrast to being on base where her problems infinitely more complex, not to mention exhausting. It's like she's living in a never-ending trial, constantly fielding debates, questions, angry accusations, rants about her unfitness for leadership, how she should step down from her position, even leave the Resistance entirely.

Rey holds in a sigh.

Not everyone's been so hostile since she admitted the truth, but the coalition that's formed against her is very powerful and vocal. Her throat tightens when she thinks of Poe...

She shakes her head, trying to clear her mind. She'll have plenty of time dwell on these things later. Right now, she needs to focus on the mission. She forces herself back to her surroundings, the cramped crawl space stretching out ahead. They should be coming up on a right turn soon...

Suddenly, there's a loud clang, followed by footsteps above.

Rey instantly lifts a hand, halting the rescues. She and Rose twist around, pressing an index finger to their lips. The rescues nod, then turn to repeat the movement for those behind them.

Rose and Rey exchange worried glances. They knew this was going too well.

The footsteps continue through the facility, not directly above them but a few meters to the left. It sounds like only one person.

Rey closes her eyes, reaching out through the Force, trying to hone in on the lifeform above. No one should be here. Their contact assured them of this. What reason would anyone have to be in the facility when it's shut down?

Maybe one of the workers left something and has come to retrieve it? Or maybe there's a question about the filtration system, the parts that are needed, and someone was sent to inspect? It could be any number of things...

Rey takes a slow breath.

It's ok, she tells herself. This is unexpected but not dire. They'll just wait until whoever it is leaves.

But she can't quell a sick feeling in her gut. The footsteps are strange, not purposeful but slow like the person is just out for a stroll.

Suddenly, the steps stop. For a minute, there's silence.

Then, the room comes alive, an electric hum filling the air.

Rey goes cold, fear cutting straight to the bone. She turns to Rose and is met with wide eyes. They both recognize that sound.

A lightsaber.

The footsteps continue across the room, heading to the other end of the facility. Rey lifts a trembling hand, pointing to a grated opening not far.

Rose nods but mouths be careful.

Rey starts forward, her movements slow but her mind racing.

A lightsaber? Who would have a lightsaber?

She trembles as she extends one hand then another, pressing her palms down carefully. She stops when she reaches the opening, a grated hatch just above her. She presses her palms against the grate, pushing up. There's a soft rattle when she lifts it, and she instantly freezes.

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