Chapter 7: Friends?

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Rey gets an opportunity to test the limits of the Force bond.

Rey walks down a long hallway, guiding a hoverstretcher covered with odds and ends.

Stacks of supplies line the hall, a lot less than there were a week ago, but there's still a lot to get through. So much to unpack, so much to put away...

She's on Omega 9. It's not the planet's true name, but she's taken to calling it that, even in her head. It's just a codename. The Resistance refers to all of its bases in code. Once they get this place in shape, it'll to be their primary medical bay.

Since Crait, the Resistance's activities have pretty much been limited to scavenging, establishing new bases, and recruiting. The last one is the most difficult because it tends to draw the First Order's attention, and after the Denash debacle, the General ordered Rey off recruiting duty for a month.

Truth be told, she was happy for the break. She's enjoyed setting up these new bases, getting to know people, spending time with her friends. When Rose asked her to help out here, she jumped at the chance.

But they were only here a couple of days before Poe dropped in with an emergency, a recruiter nearby who needed some back up. One of them had to stay, and since the General ordered her to lay low, she was the natural choice.

That was five days ago. She'd been worried sick until she finally heard from them yesterday. They're all safe, but they can't make it back immediately. Poe said it would be another two days at least.

No matter. She has BB-8 for company. Two more days alone isn't so bad.

And she has things to keep her busy— unpacking, organizing, repairing, learning. This place is full of medical equipment, and she's taken the opportunity to educate herself as best she can. With Resistance numbers as low as they are, every member needs to be a jack-of-all-trades.

But she'll be happy when the others get back. She misses the sound of people's voices...

It's not like she's a stranger to long stretches without conversation. She could go for weeks on Jakku without that. But at least there was the daily ritual of bringing her finds to Niima outpost, cleaning them off next to other scavengers, overhearing conversations while standing in line to see Unkar Plutt. She's not used to going so long without hearing so much as a peep from another lifeform.

No offense to BB-8. That plucky little droid has more personality than most people she knows.

As if on cue, she sees the droid roll out from a door just ahead, moving in her direction. It beeps a question as it approaches.

"I'm heading down to unit 3 for another pass at that droid." Rey gestures to the parts on the hoverstretcher.

BB-8 chirps matter-of-factly.

"Well, thanks for that vote of confidence." Rey shoots the droid a look. "You know, I might have more luck if I had help from, say... another droid."

BB-8 whines as it passes.

"Fine," Rey calls back. "Take your time. But come to unit 3 when you're done, ok?"

The droid beeps once, rolling away.

She guides the stretcher forward, slowing as she nears the unit 3 entrance. She angles the stretcher, moving it through the doorway.

She enters a long, rectangular room— a white table in the center, upper and lower compartments lining the walls. The countertops are a mess— supplies and medical equipment strewn everywhere. At the back, there's a couple of auto-meds along with several hoverstretchers in stacks.

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