Chapter 16: True Power

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CHAPTER SUMMARY: Kylo Ren enjoys a new toy in the training room.

Kylo Ren roars as the blade slices through his flesh, pinning him to the wall. Both hands fly up to grip the center of the double-sided sword sticking out of his shoulder. He looks up at blank face staring down at him.

The droid cocks its head, twisting the blade like it's relishing the moment. It's humanoid— a lithe body with two arms, two legs, and an armored shell that mimics the curves of human musculature. Kylo can see his reflection in its face, an oval-shaped screen nested in a metallic hood. It leans in menacingly, its hand sliding down the hilt.

And that's exactly the opportunity Kylo needs. In an instant, he snaps the blade in two, then drives the newly freed end into a weak spot in the droid's armor.

The droid jerks back mechanically, releasing the end still pinning Kylo to the wall. It reaches over to dislodge the weapon from its body.

Kylo grits his teeth, groaning as he pulls the blade out of his flesh. He ducks in anticipation of the droid's next move, sidestepping a swift jab and gaining some distance. He whips around to see the droid stooping over to pick up a weapon from the floor. It has two now— one end of its own sword and the double-sided one it disarmed him of. The droid turns slowly to Kylo.

Rather than resume its assault, it steps to the side, moving along a curved path. It has the air of a predator teasing its prey, seeming to take pleasure in building the tension before attack.

Kylo moves in the other direction, gripping the hilt of the weapon still slick with his own blood. He's panting, dripping with sweat, dark locks of hair sticking to his forehead. The wound in his shoulder throbs, a regular rhythm of shooting pain. He concentrates on the feeling, how the damaged nerves scream, begging for attention. He switches the sword from his left hand to his right and squeezes. The muscles of his injured shoulder howl in response. As the pain surges through his body, a smile creeps up his lips.

It's been a long time since he's been injured in the training room. A very long time. He likes this droid. He likes it very much. He's been waiting all day for this, and he's not disappointed.

Kylo's never seen a droid fight like this one. It has all the advantages of a robotic combatant— an extensive catalogue of martial skills, flawless execution— but it's programmed with an advanced AI designed manipulate psychological weaknesses. It doesn't just fight to win. It fights to demoralize, to utterly exhaust the opponent's mind and body. During the demonstration this morning, it thrashed Hux's cadets with what Kylo can only describe as sadistic brutality. It taunted, terrorized, and took every opportunity to inflict flesh wounds, forcing its opponents to fight through physical pain.

Which is why Kylo's been burning to get into the training room alone with it, face it one on one.

Suddenly, he jerks right, barely dodging the blade whizzing by his head.

The droid continues circling him as though nothing happened, now armed with only the double-sided sword.

Without thinking, Kylo makes a fist and beats the wound in his shoulder, sending sharp pains down his arm.

The droid whips into action, snapping its sword in two and charging. It launches into a relentless offense, its blades a flurry of motion, slashing with power, precision, and inhuman speed.

Kylo struggles to fend off the blows, each impact bringing newer, deeper waves of pain to his shoulder. To an outsider, the battle would seem to be all but won. Kylo's at the disadvantage in every way. The droid is physically larger and stronger. It has two blades to Kylo's one. It's progressively backing him into a corner with its complex combination of hacking and slashing, perfectly executed. And though both of them are injured, the droid feels no pain.

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