Ink pins you to the ground with the wooden part of his paintbrush, the same blank expression on his face from earlier. It presses into your neck and you squirm under it, gasping for air.

"You're a mere grain of salt in my ocean of possibilities," Ink says, "just give up and let me get on with my plans,"

"I'll...never...g-give up," You wheeze, "your b-bitch ass...can't t-take care...of this place," You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on what you need to do. Don't give up, (Y/N). You need to save all these innocent beings, all the AUs that need to be freed from Ink. They don't deserve this, no one does.

Are you really gonna let him do this?

"," You breathe. Determination pumps through your veins, fueling you and giving you the strength you need. Your hair shifts to a vibrant red and your eyelids open to reveal red irises. Your body lets off a crimson glow and you clench your fists. Without saying a word, you put your arms under the paintbrush and shove Ink off of you, snapping it while doing so.  He goes soaring across the landscape and lands with a loud crash. Ink gets up rapidly and frowns at his broken paintbrush. You don't give him a chance to do or say anything.



All of your emotions, your power, your determination are unleashed at Ink in a blinding burst of red light. He howls in agony and attempts to put up a shield, failing miserably.

  "You call yourself the protector of AUs..." You snarl, increasing the power of your blast, "how ironic," You stride towards the skeleton, still holding your beam of energy.

  "You make me SICK, Ink," Your voice grows in volume as you get closer, "destroying your own creations for a little game," Now you're only a foot away from him, so you stop your blast to look him in the eye. You crouch down and grab his chin, forcing him to look up at you.

  "Who would've thought I'd end up having to destroy you?"

Ten gaster blasters form in the air, five on your left and five on your right. Your palms ignite with red energy and your eyes shine brighter than ever.

  "W-WAIT!!" Ink shrieks, cowering at your feet, "I'LL GIVE YOU THE DAMN VIAL!" You raise an eyebrow.

  "I don't trust you," You say coldly. A shaking hand is extended to you and in it is the glowing vial that contains Gaster's soul.

  "Just take it..." Ink says miserably. You hesitate, but snatch the thing out of his hand. You examine it carefully, and sure enough, a bright soul is floating inside. Error teleports next to you and stares at the thing curiously.

  "Could you keep this safe for me?" You ask him. He nods and takes the vial, wrapping it tightly in blue cords.

  "What're you gonna do with Inky here?" Error asks you, a grin on his face. You smile mischievously.

  "I've got a few things in mind..." You reply. Ink whimpers behind you and Error chuckles deeply. He pulls you close to him and stares deeply into your eyes, which have now returned to normal.

  "I'm so proud," He says, his voice husky and low, "I never thought my little ray of sunshine could be so sinister," You giggle.

  "Yeah, it almost-,"

  "Shh," Error cuts you off, "enough talking. Just kiss me ya dork," He dips you and kisses you deeply. The initial shock from being dipped wears off quickly and you smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. You break away and grin.

  "Well, now you have to deal with a protector of AUs as your girlfriend," You say, "whaddya think about that, Error?" He fake-cringes and you slap him on the arm.

  "Hm, I dunno..." He says, "how about you destroy some stuff instead?" You gasp.

  "No, shut up!!" You shout. Error laughs and kisses you again. He breaks out of the kiss and whispers in your ear.

  "Whaddya say we create some things in the bedroom doll~" You turn beet red and slap him as he laughs his ass off.


Eventually Error and I took care of Ink. Ink's having fun in Underfell with Papyrus and Undyne.

I made a house for the two of us in the Doodlesphere (where I finally got him to live after some...persuasion). I keep all of the AUs safe from Nightmare and his gang, sometimes Error even comes with me. He still tries to destroy shit, sometimes just to mess with me and get on my nerves and sometimes for attention. But...we're happy. I'm happy. That's all that really matters.


A/N: Heya!! I'm glad you made it to the end (I barely made it with my writers block lmao). I really hope you enjoyed my story, it's based off of the Underverse series on YouTube which you should totally check out!! Anyway, thanks so much for reading this!!!

Sunshine (Error!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now