Hearing that, Mac was on her best behavior, letting me run her into a fitting room to try on endless outfits. Finally, I was satisfied and a few hundred dollars lighter. We walked through the mall's food court until Mac pointed towards the big McDonald's sign with a pout on her face. I sighed, but ended up smiling as she marched us over to the end of the line. She jumped around excitedly as I ordered the soon. When I took the paper bags, I noticed Mac had gone unusually still. She was looking behind me with wide eyes and slowly I turned to see Wilmer standing there with a small smile on his face. 

"Hola Hermosa." I grabbed Mac's hand tightly.  

"Goodbye Wilmer." As I moved he shifted to block my path. 

"Why're you leaving so soon? Why don't we have lunch?" 

I shook my head, "No thanks." 

Again, he stopped me from leaving, "Look Demi I really want to talk to you. I need to apologize." 

I could feel my willpower breaking, I never really had much of a choice when it came to Wilmer. 


He smiled, and looked down at Mac with friendly eyes, "Hi sweetie, do you remember me?" 

Mac nodded and hid behind me, clutching my leg. 

"Well I think we got off to a bad start, do you want to eat McDonald's with me?" 

I watched in shock as she nodded shyly and stepped out from behind my leg. Wilmer ordered his food and we sat down at a table. It was silent while we ate. 

"Hey baby why don't you go play over there with the other kids." I suggested, and she ran off to the playhouse. I turned to Wilmer, "You have ten minutes." 

He smiled, "That's all I could hope for. Thank you for not leaving." 

I shrugged, but crossed my arms and kept silent. 

"I want to apologize Demi. I know I was a dick, and that I stopped your recovery and I hate myself for that. I know you're not gonna forgive me but I miss our friendship. I know you're happy and I respect that, but I miss our inside jokes and spending the entire night watching horror movies. I just miss... us. I know you'll probably ever forgive me but I just had to get that out, I'm sorry." 

I let a small smile slip, "Well I appreciate it, and I'll think about it." 

He smiled back and I craned my neck to find Mac. She was playing with the other little girls surrounded by mothers. As I watched her, I felt something hit the side of my face. I flinched back instinctively, and Wilmer roared with laughter that I couldn't help but join in with, chucking the french fry back at him. As the time passed through easy conversation, Mac walked up to us, rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

"Are you ready to go baby?" She nodded and to my surprise, smiled up at Wilmer. 


He chuckled, "Goodbye little one. Hopefully we'll see each other soon." 

I picked her up and nodded as she snuggled into my neck, "Maybe." 

Wilmer smiled again, "I guess that's all I can hope for." 


        As I set Mac down on the floor after I shut the door to the house she ran off to play with her dolls. I felt arms wrap around me and lips on my neck. 


Instantly, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me. I'd completely forgotten about him when I was with Wilmer. Suddenly, I was furious with myself and just wanted to forget about Wilmer. I pushed Nick into the kitchen and attached myself to his lips, kissing him greedily. While obviously confused my by aggression, he reciprocated quickly, pulling my waist to his and locking his arms around my waist. 

"Mommy? I'm tired!" Mac's voice from the living room broke us apart and I leaned my forehead against Nick's. 

"Okay baby, I'll be right there." I looked up at Nick and rubbed his chest, "You wanna watch a movie after I put her down?" 

Nick sighed, "I can't, I have a dinner meeting." 

I nodded, "With who? You didn't tell me you were working on anything." Nick bit his lip and my eyes narrowed, "With who." 

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Olivia Culpo." 

I straightened up and pulled out of his grasp immediately, "Oh." I walked over to the fridge and began to search through the drawers for a water bottle. I could feel my anxieties and insecurities rising. 

"Demi don't overthink this." 

I shook my head, "Who's overthinking anything? If you want to go to dinner with a beautiful girl who just so happens to be Miss fucking America than who am I to stop you? It's fine! Completely fine." 

He shut the fridge door, and pressed me against it, moving so close our noses were touching. 

"Demetria Devonne Lovato, do you trust me?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Nick-" 

"Do you. Trust me." 

I sighed and looked into his brown eyes, "More than anyone." 

He smiled and kissed my softly, "Then listen to me, I love you. That's all you need to remember and hold onto." 


        "I don't know Mar things just feel weird, I don't want him with her." I vented as I sat on the couch with my bestfriend. Nick was out yet again on business with Olivia and it was getting annoying how excited he was about this project. Sure I was ecstatic for him, but I wish he picked a different girl, maybe one who isn't a supermodel. 

"Demi you know Nick wouldn't do anything to hurt you, so why are you so worried?" 

I opened my mouth to respond, but felt a familiar twist in my gut, and ran to the bathroom to empty out my stomach into the porcelain toilet bowl. I sat back with a groan once I was finished. 

"That's the fifth time this week." 

Marissa walked over and felt my forehead, "Well you don't have a fever, how do you feel?" 

I shrugged and stood up, "I'm fine. It passes like it comes, so quickly." 

Marissa's face morphed into realization, "Demi what's today's date?" 

I wracked my brain, "The thirtieth of January? Why?" 

She rubbed a hand over her face, "Demi are you late?" 

I felt ice shooting through my veins as I began to count back in my head. 

"Oh my God." 


"I can't do it!" I whispered, staring into my hands as the timer went off on the pregnancy test we bought. 

"Demi it's gonna be okay... Do you want me to check?" 

I nodded numbly as she walked into the bathroom. After a minute or two, I couldn't stand the wait, and walked in after her. 


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Next Update; Next Tuesday! 


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