(39): Discoveries

Start from the beginning

I just never thought they could lead to this.

He sits down dazedly, his eyes looking far away in thought "But why... why would she not tell mom and I? Even Zach? We've been worried about her for years"

"I don't know" I murmur sadly, sitting next to him "She's very happy though, if that makes you feel any better"

Kyle looks at me frowning "Tell me more"

"She's married to Monty who I've known since I was like five. They said they met at her old town before she decided to pursue a life with him. They have a cute eleven month baby boy, his name is Theo and he's in love with me"

Kyle raises a slightly amused brow "Is he now?"

I'm so glad that frown is off his face.

"Yep" I nod smiling "Jean- sorry Riley, has to call me at least once a week because he cries for me. He calls me 'ga-ga' and I don't really know what it means but I like it"

"She has a whole life without us" He murmurs quietly, the frown back.

Oh no.

"Kyle" I coo sadly.

"She's so happy without us. She's probably even forgotten who I am" His jaw is clenched.

"Don't say that" I scold sternly.

He sighs loudly, fists now clenched too. He looks a mixture of pained and angry "Then what else would make sense? Tell me"

I flinch at his slightly raised voice "Maybe your dad was just too much for her. To the point where she didn't want to be associated with any part of him, including the rest of his children and his wife. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you guys or forgot y'all"

I know it sounds bad but I really don't know what to say to him.

He looks at me calmer "This is a lot, huh?"

"Kinda" I nod softly "I know all your family now. Small world"

"Tell me about it" He breathes a laugh.

"Are you okay?" I murmur concerned "Do you want like a moment alone?"

He shakes his head "Stay"

"Okay" I smile.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, just the both of us digesting what we have just discovered. I can't even read his face at all. I don't know if he's happy or sad. I mean the guy just found out that his long lost sister, who he thought had died, is actually very much alive.

He gets up abruptly and I mirror his actions.

"Still good?" I ask again.

"I just can't believe it" He murmurs looking at me deeply "I mean I knew there was a reason you stumbled into my life, other than to annoy me off course, I just didn't think it was this"

"Me too" I say.

"Do you realize if I never knew you I wouldn't know that my sister is alive"

I wave him off "It's really not a big deal"

"Chelsea-Anne, if you never forced me to be nice to you and be friends, you wouldn't have been comfortable enough to have these conversations with me. I actually still would not be speaking to you at all, which means we both would've never mentioned Riley, let alone me showing you a picture of her"

"I never thought about it like that" I breathe.

He has a really good point.

It's true. What are the chances of a former cold Kyle trusting me enough to speak about his long lost sister? Actually, speaking to me about anything at all?

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now