"Oh, sorry school has me nervous lately. But anyways, Blair! What are your powers?" Darcy tried to change the subject. "Oh uh, Harmonic Force. It's from two different dimensions." Blair smiled, Darcy hated the fact how she saw so much of Riven in this teenager. It made her crave even more life with Riven. "That sounds lovely. Let me guess Charmix Fairy?" Darcy pointed. Blair shook her head, "No, Enchantix." She replied. "It's in the genes to get every transformation then huh." She taunted. Musa gave her a questioning look.

"If you'll excuse me I need to go to the ladies room, mom could you join?" Blair stood politely. Musa nodded and walked off with Blair. Finally alone with him, Darcy thought.

"So how does it feel to know you have a family in your future?" Darcy asks. Riven sits up straight and sighs. "It is strange but feels nice to know my future has Musa and I am not alone." He answers. Not what Darcy wanted to hear. "Would you want to change it? Be with someone who will love you better?" She tried to not sound strong but it was hard. Darcy needed him in her life. Riven gave her a questioning look. "Musa loves me more than anything. What are you trying to say?" He gave her a stern look. "Look Riven I know you don't know it yet but I can make you happier I just know it! Join me and my sisters and we will have it all!" Darcy stood and her disguise falls off. Riven stands quickly realizing who she really is.

"Force choke!" Blair cast from the entrance of the store. "Huh?" Darcy turned and before she could react two small pink strings make their way quickly to her neck choking her and lifting her into the air. Blair lifts her hand as Darcy floats up. "I got her now!" Blair says with a satisfied look. "Let her down!" Musa panicked. "If I do she will attack or kidnap him. Again!" Blair didn't take her eyes off of Darcy. "This isn't the way!" Riven said as he pulled out his sword to Darcy. "Fine." Blair dropped her hard to the ground. As she did a strong ray came and hit Blair on the side making her hit a brick wall that was next to the shop.

"Blair!" Musa shouted. "Magic Winx Cyberix!" Musa began to transform. Riven held Darcy down and placed a black cuff on her wrist that restricted her from using her magic. "Magic Mirirx Enchantix!" Blair stood weak and transformed. Blair and Musa Flew up to Stormy. "Two against one looks like you leave or you'll regret it!" Musa threatened. "Try me!" Stormy got ready.

"Ray of Music!" Musa shot towards stormy. "Storm shield!" The shield on protected her enough to not cause as much harm. "Harmonic slash!" Blair cast as a string of pink slashed her side hard and made stormy begin to bleed and cut an inch deep. Musa was shocked that Blair's powers can do such harm. Stormy held her side and tears filled her eyes, "I am sorry sister. We will get you back!"  Stormy flew away.

Musa POV

"She is gone." I release the air I held because of shock. I never expected any of this to happen. How does Faragonda allow Blair's powers to be so violent? She is a good fairy, right? Riven has Darcy it a black cuff on her right wrist. "Well, that was easy." I say and Riven nods. "We got to bring her back to Alfea. Let us go now!"

"I'll take her on my bike, you two fly over us to guard," Riven says as he gets ready to head to Alfea. Blair and I agree and start flying. Blair and I glide through the air, I turn over and do a flip. Blair swings side to side and giggles. The wind is fresh and clouds are damp, we enjoy every second of it.

Blair and I land safely on the ground of the courtyard and de-transform. "You guys will regret this!" Darcy threatens. The Winx and Specialists run toward us and are shocked to see Darcy. "You said you were getting Ice Cream, not capture a Witch." Stella jokes as she covers her nose. "Wow, what about Stormy and Icy?" Paris asked. "I used the harmonic slash on Stormy." Blair had a guilty look. Aviana and Paris get shocked. "You said you wouldn't use it!" Aviana gets angry, "Hey I went light on her. Plus, that Witch hurt my side as well." Blair crossed her arms and gave them a stern look. I can see she has gotten called out for her violence.

"Don't tell Faragonda either!" Blair says and the girls sigh and nod. Faragonda and Saladin walk toward us and see Darcy. "What a catch," Saladin observes Darcy. "What do we do with her?" Bloom asked. "Hmm, we have jail cells in Red Fountain. We can put her there until we have all three." Saladin Says. We all agree and the guys start heading out. "Wait, Sky! The Trix believe I have the book, I think it will be safer with you." Bloom gives Sky the Book, "You sure Bloom?" He says with uncertainty in his voice. Bloom nods in reassurance and kisses his cheek. "Okay until next time Bloom." He smiles at her and heads with Riven to hold Darcy on her left side.

I watch as the guys head back to Red Fountain. as I walk back to my dorm I am left with uncertainty. Is the book really safe with Sky and the Specialists? Darcy may know they have it and attack the guys. I open the door of our dorm and see Aron with two devices on our dining table. "Hey, girls great news! The teleporter and communication device work! I have been talking to Rowan and Cody while I fixed the teleportation device." Aron says and he smiles at the girls. Blair, Aviana, and Paris rush to him. "Hey Blair!" A male voice came from a circular screen. "Rowan! Oh, how I miss you." She says, I take a peek at the device and see Rowan, short hair, blue eyes, muscular and very handsome face.

"Aviana?" A blonde guy moves Rowan and waves, "Oh my Cody! Sweetie, I miss you so dearly!" Aviana smiles and waves to her boyfriend. "I miss you too my love, you'll be back soon. I know of it." Cody winks at Aviana. "Where is my boy!?" Paris takes the circular device from Aviana. "He is with the others around the school. You will see him when you get back." Cody assures her.

"How soon can we go back?" Aviana asks  Aron. "Well now. I tested it with fruit." He smiles. "Like last time?" Blair raises her eyebrow. He nods and presses a button. A white oval portal appears. "Let us start going!" He gets excited.

"I guess its goodbye..." Bloom hugs Aviana. "Actually we thought it would be better if you forgot about us after this whole mission. You may need our help. You can use this device to contact us. Aviana will carry it with her." Blair assures Bloom. "That sounds awesome!" Aisha throws her fist in the air cheerfully.

"Goodbye for now mom, tell dad it was nice to meet him earlier." Blair chuckles. I hug her and nod. One by one they started to go back to their home.


Thank you all for voting a lot! I appreciate so much. I also love feedback so please comment on your thoughts! Much love to you all

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