Chapter XXV

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Kila felt her body rocking back and forth, and someone's arms under her neck and legs. She felt groggy, her mind heavy. She took a deep breath and the smell of sandalwood and something sweet filled her noise, she smiled, it was a good smell. She blinked a couple of times and looked up to see Ezra. He glanced down at her for a moment, before he looked forward again a smile playing on his lips.

"Good to see you're awake," He grinned, and kept walking.

"What happened?" She reached up and rubbed her head, she could fee several bumps that she wasn't sure if they were from the fight of something else.

"You and Greffen came into the dining hall, and we all sat down to eat," Kila thought he was leading up to something, "Oh yeah," He grinned at her, "Then Mellia gave you some wine." Kila raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wine?" The she paused, "I'm not old enough to drink." She looked at him sternly.

"In our clan you are," He paused, "And Mellia told you it was juice, I don't know if she did it on purpose or if it was a mistake, but you drank quite a lot. I'm surprised that you're not still drunk." Kila paused thinking.

"What stupid thing did I do?" Kila's voice squeaked out, Ezra laughed.

"You were playing with the kids by spinning them, when you fell and hit your head," He smiled at her, "Greffen told me to take you to the room."

"Oh okay," She paused, "So that is a new bump back there," She rubbed the back of her head. "I lost count a while ago." Ezra looked at her with a stern expression before he looked forward. He walked like that for a minute, not looking at her. "You know I can walk on my own..." Kila muttered under her breath. Ezra seemed to focus on walking forward and not looking down at her.

"I know that drunk you doesn't feel pain, but sober you might," He glanced at her and sighed and the confused look on her face, "I'd rather if you didn't walk on your leg."

"My leg?" Kila paused, "Oh right the cut."

"That isn't just a cut Kila," Ezra's face got suddenly serious, "it went down to the bone, I'm surprised that you're not dizzy from blood loss." Kila watched his face for a long moment as they ascended a set of steps.

"My body has gone though much worse than this," She felt her face harden, "And I am not a child." He paused once he got to the top and looked at her, "Put me down I can walk." Kila crossed her arms. Ezra sighed before setting her down on her feet softly. Kila paused and looked down at the cut, it was bleeding again and... had it gotten bigger?

"Kila, you need to see a healer," Ezra urged. She made a little waving gesture with her hand as she knelt to get a closer look. She wiped off some of the blood to see that around the cut was a yellow color before the blood spilled out covering it again.

"I don't need a healer, I need to speak," She stood up quickly, all the blood rushed to her head and her vision went black, she felt Ezra's hand grab her around the waist, then everything went dark.

Kila blinked and looked around, the darkened sky was above her and trees surrounded her. She paused and looked down at herself; she was in her spirited form.

Up ahead on the path, Kila heard the voices, she recognized one of them as Alex and then Lry's small voice. Kila smiled and walked up the path to find a clearing. Simogan and Tarthan's ugly gray mass they called a tent was up and a fire was burning in the middle. Nata and Kulna were sitting next to the fire with what looked like pokers, cooking something in the fire as they watched Alex pace around. Lry was sitting on a rock a few feet away and Simogan and Tarthan were sitting outside their tent.

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