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The truth is, I was wrong.

This love story was many of the things I said: Unnatural, freaky, weird. But to say it was sincere, or to even call it a love story in any regard, was a mistake. The actions that Bucky made before running away, were nothing short of toxic and abusive. He was no better than Fungo, worse even.

Then there's Delilah, our main character. Assaulted by both Fungo and Bucky, lying unconscious on the latter's apartment floor...

Delilah woke up, seeing the blood on her chest, and screamed.

Fungo was back on his feet, as was Satchel. Both of them ran to her side, propping her back on her feet.

"Told ya you should've let me beat the shit out of him." Fungo huffed.

"Don't fucking touch me." Delilah stumbled backwards. "You would've forced yourself on me if it weren't for Bucky, b-but I just..."

"Wait." Satchel looked at his friend. "You tried to force yourself on her?"

"It was a misunderstanding!" Fungo snapped. "We've lived together for years, I helped her through all her hard times, I just thought-"

"That she owed you a relationship?" Satchel growled. "Get the hell out of here, Fungo. Our friendship is over."

"C'mon Delilah, let's get out of here." Fungo reached for Delilah's arm, but Delilah jumped to Satchel's side.

"N-No, I can't spend another day with you. You make my life hell, Fungo." Delilah whimpered. "I'll tell our owners the same thing if you try to tell them to get me back. I never want to see you again."

Fungo was seething as Satchel put his arm around Delilah's shoulders in a comforting gesture. The ferret turned around and stormed out the door. Once he left, Delilah turned to face Satchel with wide red eyes.

"I have no idea where to stay!" Delilah gasped.

"You can stay with me, or Atari if you don't trust my presence." Satchel frowned. "I tried to pressure Bucky to be with you, and I almost hit him."

"It's okay, it's over now." Delilah patted Satchel's leg.

"Perhaps being with Bucky all the time brought out the worst in me." Satchel admitted. "I mean, me and Atari just wanted to make you happy."

Speaking of Atari, the Russian Blue cat ran into the room in a sweat, her pregnant belly swinging from side to side.

"I came here as soon as I could." Atari panted. "Where is that bastard?!"

"He took off, we don't know where he went." Delilah replied, her eyes welling up with tears. "Atari, I don't want you to look for him. He t-threw me against the wall, he scratched me, hit me. I can't, I can't, I can't-"

"I won't let him near you, and me and Mac will avoid him whenever possible." Atari promised. "You can stay with me if you'd like. Unless Fungo-"

"I don't live with Fungo anymore, he hurt me as well." Delilah looked at the ground. "I can't risk going out there tonight, I need to stay here."

"I understand." Atari walked to Delilah's side and pressed her muzzle against the ferret's shoulder. "I'll stay here with you, if that's okay. I just need to let Donna and Mac know, I'll be back before you know it."

Atari ran out the door, leaving Satchel and Delilah.

"I can't believe I let those two treat me like that!" Delilah sobbed, burying her face in her paws. "I can't believe I put up with that!"

"I'm very sorry, Delilah." Satchel scooped Delilah in his arms and gently placed her on the couch. "I'll go get you a blanket and pillows."

Just as Satchel was about to leave, the door creaked open as Rob returned. He froze, taking in the scene of Satchel taking care of a ferret with bloody scratches.

"Where's Bucky?" Rob asked.

"Oh boy." Satchel sighed. "He and Fungo really took things too far, Rob. Fungo tried to force Delilah to be his mate, and he threatened that we'd beat Bucky up. Bucky lost it and attacked all of us, and then he ran off."

"Oh God." Rob closed his eyes, pressing his fingers against the bridge of his nose. "Okay, I'm going to lock the door-"

"I'm back, Donna says it's cool!" Atari ran past Rob, glancing back at him. "I'm going to stay with Delilah."

"Alright, now I'll lock the door." Rob closed the door, locking it. "I love Bucky, but I can't keep doing this shit. If he comes back, I'm taking him to see professional help. So don't worry Delilah, you're safe."

The two words sent a lightning bolt through the clouds of Delilah's vision, giving her a clarity that she hadn't felt in so long. She breathed clearly, allowing Rob to tend to the scratches on her belly. Satchel returned with several blankets and a pillow, and Atari jumped on the couch, maneuvering Satchel's items onto Delilah.

"You don't have to do that, you got kits coming." Delilah protested as Atari nudged the pillow underneath her head.

"So what, I can't operate with a pregnant belly?" Atari laughed. "Didn't you see me bolt in here earlier?"

"Yeah I did, sorry for doubting you." Delilah attempted to laugh, but she felt like all the thoughts and feelings in her brain were a puzzle, and Bucky and Fungo broke the puzzle into pieces.

She just had to put the puzzle pieces back together.

"I love you, Delilah. In the pure, generous way that you deserve." Atari plopped on the couch next to her, wrapping herself in blanket. "I care about you, and so does Satchel, Rob, Donna, Mac, Chubby, his sister, and more creatures than you can count. Those two can't hurt you no more."

"I feel bad for w-writing the letters, and coming back, and-"

"Shh." Atari's tail covered Delilah's mouth. "You need to forgive yourself and learn from this, Delilah. More importantly, you deserve a good rest."

Atari moved her tail, running it down Delilah's side in a therapeutic way, repeating the same movement until Delilah succumbed to a peaceful sleep.

Toxic LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon