Chapter 2: Too soon!

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  • Dedicated to Miguel

It was Sunday morning, I had just woken up and I was feeling very tired. I didn't know if it was because of the day before or if it was because it was Sunday. All I knew was that I was tired so I decided to stay in bed for a couple of extra minutes. I leaned over to the bedside table where my iphone was charging. I grabbed my iphone and checked if any new text messages had been sent since I checked last night. My best friend Abigail whom I call "Abby" for short had sent a text message.

"Heyy I have been trying to get a hold of you but you havent answered any of my text... you mad at me?" read the text

Oh no!!! I tough... I should answer her before she thinks that I am mad or something. I immediately replied back to her.

"Hey its me, Ellie, please don't think I'm mad... when you get this text message text me back."

I sent the text message and after that I decided it was time to get out of bed. I had to get ready because I had go to Abby's house and clear things out. I placed my phone down and went into the bathroom to freshen up. Before I was even done putting all my beauty stuff away I heard someone knock at my bedroom door. I wondered who might it be? And why were they knocking . I walked over to the door and to my surprise it was Abby. I was shocked to see her, that I didn't realized that I had already embraced her in a hug.

"Ellie!!! Your leaving me breathless!!!" she said

"Oh I'm sorry!!!! I didn't mean to" I replied

"Its okay!" she said happily

I let go of her and I told her to come in. I had so many things to tell her that I didn't know where to start. So she began for me. She asked my why I didn't answer her text messages, and I explained to her that I was in the city with my Great Aunt whom I called grandma. I began to tell her about the portrait of the man I seen.

"Abby, I'm gonna tell you something that since yesterday has gotten me preoccupied" I said

"What is it?" Abby replied

"Well, There was a portrait of a man in one of my grandmas coffee table that really caught my attention" I said nervously

"Was this at the apartment you went to in the city?"

"Yes, it was, it was my grandmas daughters apartment. " I replied

"Oh okay.. go on" she replied

"Well after seeing the picture of this man, that is all I think about." I said

" I think that's normal, its only your curiosity playing games with you" Abby replied

" No... Its much more than that. I have this weird feeling that I cannot control every time I think about it." I replied

Abby didn't answered, she taught to herself about a strange possibility. But she didn't mentioned it because she did not want to confuse me or herself for that matter. But deep inside she felt the question go round and round in her head. She asked herself, Could she have possibly fallen head over heels for the man in the portrait? She knew there was only one way to find out.

"Do you think you might have fallen for this guy without even meeting him in person?" she asked nervously

"Excuse me!!, you crazy Abby!!!, I would never!" I replied nervously

Abby knew that I had just confessed that there might be a slight possibility that I may have fallen head over heels for this man. But deep inside me I knew it was wrong because I didn't know if he was related to me or who he was. I was beginning to get a little bit confused and a little nervous. Abby noticed how uncomfortable I began to feel that she told me she understood if I didn't want to talk about it because she knew it was hard for me to express myself openly the way I had a few moments ago. I thanked her for understanding because I myself had no idea how hard it was to be telling her what my heart was feeling at such a young age.

We went on to other conversations that we didnt even noticed the time. It was already noon and I still hadnt gone down to eat breakfast or lunch. I invited Abby to join me and she agreed. She followed me downstairs and into the kitchen. She sat down in the breakfast area and watched me as i read the note my mom had left me.

"Hey sweetheart, you are probably reading this note right. so let me get to the point. As you may know today is Sunday and on Sunday's I go to church. So yes I went to church with your little sister Allie. I will not be home early so don't expect me. your dad went out with friends so don't worry about me. well i guess that's it for now. Bye baby girl, love Mom.

p.s I left you some food in the fridge. "

After reading the note I looked for the food. I found it and served it without wasting any time. I split it in half for both me and Abby. After eating Abby and i went to the living room where we spent the rest of the afternoon playing video games and watching t.v. Both my parents were home by 6 o clock. By 7 o clock my mom and I went and dropped off Abby at her house. After dropping Abby home we drove back home.

Another tireing day had gone by. I was ready to head to bed. I got into my Jammie's, placed my iphone on the bedside table to charge after I sent Abby a good night text. I climbed in bed and tucked myself in. I thought about what Abby had said.

Had I fallen head over heels for a man I didnt even know? If so could it be?

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