Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe

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Ariana's POV

"Speech Bilbo, Speech!" I chant with the hobbits. I myself am human. I was raised by Bilbo's mother, who adopted me. So Bilbo became my brother, which makes Frodo my nephew. Only thing is I am eighty-seven years old and I don't look a day over thirty. Bilbo and Frodo believe me to be part elf. But Gandalf told me I am a decedent of the Dúnedain, who has been blessed with long life. He says I could have at least another hundred years before I die of old age.

Anyway Bilbo starts to give his speech. "My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots" he says. As the hobbits cheer.

"Proudfeet" old Proudfeet corrects him and we all laugh.

"Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday!" Bilbo declares.

"Happy birthday!" we cheer.

"Alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve" he states. The crowd is silent blank faced trying to figure out if they were just insulted. I giggle silently.

"I, uh, I h-have things to do" he stutters and I see him whisper to himself. "I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell" he says before disappearing into thin air.

"Go home" I tell the boys and run over to Gandalf. We arrived at the house before Bilbo.

"I suppose you think that was terribly clever" Gandalf states as Bilbo appears placing something in his pocket.

"It was just a bit of fun! Oh you're probably right, as usual" he mumbles. "You will keep an eye on Frodo, won't you?" he asks me.

"Two eyes, as often as I can spare them" I assure him smiling.

"I'm leaving everything I own to him, except for the troll chest. That belongs to you" he states.

"I don't need it" I assure him.

"What about this ring of yours, is that staying too?" Gandalf asks him.

"Yes, yes. It's in an envelope over there on the mantelpiece" he states. But freezes and places a hand in his pocket. "No, wait, it's — here in my pocket" he says taking it out. "Heh, isn't that, isn't that odd though? Yet, after all why not? Why shouldn't I keep it?" he asks us.

"I think you should leave the ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?" I ask him.

"Well no... and yes" he mumbles looking up at us. "Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it, its mine, I found it, it came to me!" he exclaims. I look at him surprised, what's wrong with my sweet older brother?

"There's no need to get angry" Gandalf tells him.

"Well, if I'm angry, it's your fault! It's mine! My own, my precious" he says softly caressing the ring.

"I think you've had that Ring quite long enough" I snap glaring at it.

"You want it for yourselves!" he exclaims.

"Bilbo Baggins" Gandalf and I say firmly as the room grows dark.

"Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks. We are not trying to rob you" Gandalf tells him.

"We're trying to help you brother" I tell him gently.

"Ariana" he says hugging me crying.

"All your long years we've been friends. Trust me as you once did, hmm? Let it go" Gandalf tells Bilbo.

"You're right Gandalf, the Ring must go to Frodo. It's late, the road is long" Bilbo states.

"Which is why I insist you take Argo, it'll make the journey quicker and safer" I tell him.

"But she was a gift to you" he tells me.

"I know, but you'll be safer with her by your side" I tell him smiling. "Take care of her for me" I say handing him his travel packs. He accepts them and puts them on his back. Then grabs a walking stick.

"Bilbo, the Ring is still in your pocket" Gandalf says as Bilbo opens the door. Bilbo takes it out and lets it drop onto the floor. We then all go outside.

"I've thought up an ending for our story" Bilbo declares turning to face me. "'And they lived happily ever after, to the end of their days'" he states.

"I hope Frodo also lives a happily ever after" I tell him smiling as Argo appears.

"I'm sure you both will my dear friend" Gandalf states. I help Bilbo onto my horse.

"Be-careful mounting and dismounting her, I don't want you to hurt yourself" I tell Bilbo.

"I'll be careful" he assures me. "Goodbye Gandalf, Ariana" he says before leaving on Argo. Gandalf and I reenter the house. I decide to put on a cup of tea.

"Would you like tea Gandalf?" I ask him. But see him staring into the fire smoking his pipe. I frown, is he ok? Just then Frodo runs into the house. "No running inside Frodo" I remind him.

"Sorry aunt Aria" he says as he picks up the ring. "He's gone hasn't he?" he asks Gandalf and I.

"Yes, he took Argo with him" I state as I pour my tea.

"He talked for so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it" Frodo says sadly. "Gandalf?" he calls weakly.

"Hmm?" Gandalf says and smiles at Frodo. "Bilbo's ring. He's gone to stay with the Elves. He's left you Bag End" he states holding out an envelope. Frodo places the ring inside and Gandalf seals it. Then hands the envelope to Frodo. "Along with all his possessions, except for the troll chest he left Ariana. The ring is yours now. Put it somewhere out of sight" he explains.

Gandalf then gets up grabbing his hat and staff. "Are you leaving?" I ask him confused.

"Where are you going?" Frodo asks at the same time confused.

"There are some things that I must see to" Gandalf states.

"What things?" Frodo and  I ask him.

"Questions. Questions that need answering" he states.

"But you only just arrived" I tell him.

"I don't understand" Frodo says confused.

"Neither do I" I hear Gandalf whisper. He turns back to us placing a hand on Frodo's shoulder. "Keep it secret, keep it safe" he tells him. Then turns to me. "Keep him safe Ariana" he tells me.

"I will, safe travels" I assure him. He then leaves as Frodo looks at the envelope. "Better hide it Frodo, as Gandalf instructed" I tell him. He nods his head and goes to hide it.


Gif above of Bilbo disappearing and picture on the external link of Argo tacked up.

Ariana Daughter of Arathorn: LOTRWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt