Chapter 13🍒

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SORRY if this book feels rushed I'm kind of over this I've been writing it for a long time and I've lost interest, I just want to work on my other book alazaé and after that maybe another book. I also am not that intrested in jaele anymore I guess I'm tired of the mixed signals we keep receiving and Jace always having a girlfriend and they both look happy so it's all good. Anywayssss onto the story.♡ btw there will be A LOT OF TIME SKIPS FROM NOW ON.

Riele and Mason have now been dating for 3 months and they did everything together. They would have family dinners, go out every weekend and kiss in between classes. Lots of people found their relationship cute but sometimes cringy.


Today mason had stayed home from school because he was going on a road trip with his family and so riele got her food and went to sit next to jace,Milan and lizzy.

Jace: hey rie, where's lover boy.
Lizzy: heyy
Milan: hey rie
Riele: hey guys he didnt come to school today and dont call him that.
Jace: how are you and Mason's relationship going?
Riele: were fine we have a few issues but then again what couple doesnt
Milan: issues as in
Riele: the usual.. one minute he wants to be around me next minute ignoring me and on his phone
Jace: I dont know why you tolerate it. I'll kill him If he's cheating
Riele: hes not! Can we change the subject
Milan: alright then are you going on the ski trip.
Riele: what ski trip?
Jace: theres a ski trip next month and anyone who wants to go can sign up and pay for it
Riele: ohhh I wanna go
Lizzy: we'll bring you to the sign up list after lunch.


Rieles pov:

Today had been a long day without Mason being there but riele was looking forward to going over to his house later since he would be back by 6 PM.
But in the mean time she was going to the mall with jace.

It was now 5:45 PM
And riele was in her room getting ready to go see Mason. Whenever she was around him she would make sure to look extra pretty.

She sprayed her pure seduction perfume on and left the house. She was wearing a yellow tube top, black tights and yellow sandals her hair was also in a high puff.

She got in her car and drove off to Mason's house.

When she got there she rung the doorbell and Mason's mom opened the door.

Alexis: hi riele how are you
Riele: hi Lexi I'm good, is Mason home
Alexis: yes he's here you can go up to him, I think he has a friend upstairs because I heard him go open the door a few hours ago.
Riele: that's suprising I thought he would be tired
Alexis: why would he be tired that boy doesnt do anything but sleep all day hes been in his room the whole day since he begged me to stay home

Riele squinted her eyes at alexis, wasn't mason supposed to go on a road trip

Riele: did you guys go on a road trip yet.
Alexis: no why ?
Riele: no reason ( she quickly answered) I'll go see Mason now it was nice seeing you
Alexis : you too rie

Riele then ran up the stairs until she got up to Mason's room she was furious why would he lie to her.

She then busted open his door

Mason: Mom! Dont open my door without permi-

Riele stopped Mason was on his bed naked. He grabbed a pillow and covered his crotch when he saw riele.

Riele: why are you on the bed naked, were u watching porn?
Mason: Rie! Um no.. I-I-I just got h-hot
Riele: well I'm mad at you, why did you lie to me I thought you went on a road trip

Before Mason could answer his bathroom door opened and out came a half naked girl.

Unknown girl: baby who are you taking t-
Mason: oh my God!
Riele: baby.. ?

Riele was frozen and at a shock for words

Mason: baby it's not what i-
Riele: save it dont baby me your "baby" is right there.. so that's why you lied to me about the road trip so you could stay home and fuck some girl. She probally didn't even know you had a girlfriend
Maosn: had? ( he says in a faint voice )
Riele: you cant possibly expect me to stay with you after this.. ha your funny, dont contact me or I will get a restraining order

With that said riele slams his door and runs out the house

Alexis: riele where are you-

But riele was already in her car about to drive off alexis then looked upstairs and saw Mason running down with nothing but boxers

Alexis: what did you do!

Riele was in her car balling her eyes out she didnt want to let Mason win and see how much he hurt her. She drove as fast but as cautiously as she could.

Until she finally reached her destination, she parked her car and ran to the door. Knocking fast and hard
Until jace opened the door
He didn't even get to say anything riele ran onto him and cried into his chest

Jace: rie what's wrong come inside

Jace brought riele inside the house and closed the door behind him. he went upstairs with her into his room and sat her on the bed and let her cry onto him.
(Sooo cliche I know)

After a good 3 minutes riele was done crying Jace got up and sat in front of her.
Jace: riele tell me what happend
Riele sniffles but then explains everything that happend to Jace by the end he was angry

Jace: I'll kill him
Riele: no Jace you'll make things worse just stay here
Jace: do you want me to call Milan over
Riele: no I just want to be with you right now I'll tell her tommorow
Jace: I'll put on a movie and we can chill out
Riele: hey Jace
Jace: yes
Riele: thank you for being amazing
Jace: what can I say I'm just an amazing person

This made riele laugh a little causing Jace to return a smile.

The two spent the night enjoying each other's company.


That's the end of this chapter there'll be like 5 more chapters I think I dont know but hopefully you guys liked it and dont mind the time skips and the rush.
I will not be updating alazaé until this book if fully finished.
-the author Rose💜

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