Little Thank You

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2 days later

Bigby had fully healed after the accident and had to decide what to do with the three people that put him in there.

Snow had begged him not to hurt them anymore than he had already done. Dealing with the Tweedles since he first met them always went with a fist or two been driven into their big thick skulls. He wouldn't mind driving one last fist there though..

Shadow was another story, as much as he wanted to rip the guys throat out snow had specially told him not to.

"Bigby I know your way of handling things, but don't go ripping their throats out, please" he remembered her saying that to him before she left the hospital after she first saw him, kissing his cheek before waving him goodbye. Kissing his cheek, he could still feel that soft kiss on his rough stubbled cheek now.

He left the hospital pulling out his cigarettes, biting the stick from the old crumpled box, "what to do now?" he mumbled to himself lighting the cigarette and huffing out that stale smelling cloud of smoke. He thought he may as well head back to the woodlands and sort out the three in the cellar waiting for him. Before he could take a single step a small hand grabbed his thick wrist.

"Mr. Wolf?"

Bigby swung his head round seeing Red Riding Hood holding his wrist and smiling up at him.


"I just came by to say get well but I guess you're all good again" she smiled slowly letting go of his wrist. "I heard about the accident and I just wanted to drop this off but I guess there's no point now" she said awkwardly hiding the gift behind her back.

"What is it?" he asked trying to peek at the box behind her back.

"Oh nothing really, I'll just bring it back" she said quickly trying to walk away but this time Bigby lightly grabbed her wrist startling her, "when I know someone has something for me I have to know what it is Red" he whispered to her a smile cracking on his face.

"It's nothing really Mr. Wolf" she shyly said trying to hide the gift more.

Bigby retracted his hand from her wrist crossing his arms, "red I don't like when people hide things from me" he smiled again trying, yet again, to peer at the box.

"Fine Mr. Wolf" she sighed defeated as she pulled the gift from behind her back, "it was only a gift to thank you for everything you did for me. Trying to catch those guys, but when I heard you were in hospital after I told you not to get yourself hurt, well, I figured I'd bring it over to you" she shrugged smiling as Bigby slowly took the gift from her light grasp.

"Thanks Red, never thought I'd get a gift from anyone, ever. Especially from you" he said examining the box in his hands.

"It's a gift, not a bomb sheriff" Red chuckled watching Bigby smile as he started to slowly open the box.

His eyes widened when he fully opened the box seeing a black leather Rolex watch along with a little note. The box had a sweet scent of flowers and the wild forest. Bigbys eyes widened as he looked at Red and then back at the gift.

"Red-I..I don't know what to say"

"How about thank you, that's what people usually say when they get something" she laughed rubbing her arm, "do you like it?"

"Heh, I love it Red thank you" he smiled stretching out his free arm.

Red looked at him puzzled and then realised what he meant. She tiptoed closer to him hugging him and quietly mumbling another thank you into his hot chest.

They both pulled back and Red nodded at the box, "well then try it on Sheriff"

Bigby pulled the watch out, wrapping it around his wrist as he closed the pin into the hole that fit him. He examined it twisting his wrist around and looking down at Red once more, "Red you really shouldn't have bothered with this"

"Yes. I should have." She nodded getting on her tippy toes and placing a quick kiss on his cheek, "I can't thank you enough Sheriff" she smiled a tint of pink spreading on her cheeks. As she slowly walked away she turned to face him again, "your'e not as bad as everyone says you are, Wolf."

And she was gone disappearing out of his sight. He stood there amazed at what had just happened. He opened the box again and pulled out the little note inside.

Mr. Wolf

I want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I hope you like this little gift I got you. It's not much but it's better than nothing I guess.

From Little Red Riding Hood x

He smiled reading the note as he placed it in his pocket along with the box.

"You're welcome Red"


Hope you guys liked this one I'm planning on finishing this book tonight! I hope anyways...

There's about 3 chapters left so I'll try post them tonight and if I don't finish it tonight, most likely it'll be tomorrow!!

So yea that's all I wanted to say :)

Thanx for reading and until the next one STAY AWESOME ✌️

Bigby and Snow (the wolf among us) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now