Unexpected Visitor

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3 hours later...

Snow sat in the business office with a terrible hangover. Her mind was a blur, and her head was pounding. She felt like someone was inside her head hammering at her brain. Snow wasn't the only one hungover, Bufkin was asleep on the ground next to the magic mirror reeking of scotch and holding a bottle in his little hands. Snow hadn't the energy to wake him and give out to him, she was no different. Her eyes felt heavy and just wanted to shut and sleep.She knew she had appointments but was in no mood to face them.

The door of the business office swung open hitting the wall as well and Bluebeard stormed in. "oh no not you now!" Snow cried in her head

"Miss White!! bluebeard shouted

"Ugh...Just go awaaay!!" snow mumbled.

In Bigbys office...

Bigby sat in his chair going over some files with a cup of hot black coffee in his hand and a cigarette in the other. "God my fucking head is still killing me!" "I wonder will Snow remember what she did with me...." Bigby had remembered what Snow did to Bigby and was worried if she would remember, but tried to set that aside and concentrate on his work. He took another puff of his cigarette until there was a loud knock on the door. "Yea,come on in"

Red walked in and Bigby was surprised to see her. "oh...hello there Red" he greeted her with a sweet smile.

"Hello Bigby...umm, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yea...sure Red take a seat."

Bigby put out his cigarette and closed the file he was working on. Red sat there in silence with a worried look on her face.

"Umm....Red is everything ok?"


"Red?" Bigby looked at her with a confused, worried look. "Red if there's something wrong please tell me."

"It's.....its just...." Red struggled to talk and then burst into tears.

Bigby jumped out of his chair and went to Red. He crouched beside her and put his hand on her shoulder. "shhh..shhh Red what's wrong"

"Bigby please...its my grandmother..."

"What happened??"

"*sniffle* Bigby, I'm worried...theres someone threatening us...."

"What??" WHO!"

"It's, Jersey and the tweedle brothers...."

"WHAT!? Red what's going on??"

"*sigh* back when the crooked man was here...I went to him about borrowing some......money.."

"Red.." Bigby said in a worried voice

"I DIDNT HAVE a choice Bigby....I asked Snow but she turned me down cause of fucking Crane...."

"Red cursing that's a first" bigby chuckled in his mind.

"I was talking to beauty and she told me about the crooked man helping out fables with money problems, I didn't like the sound of it but...I had nowhere else to turn, my mind just kept telling me to go."

"Red you really should have come to me I could have helped."

"Yea....I know I should've...."

"Go ahead take your time" Bigby said giving Red a comforting smile.

"When I got there I asked the crooked man for the money and he was glad to help....he was really nice about it but there was something about him I didn't trust and my mind was shouting at me to just not do this and run, I ignored it and then the Tweedles made me sign papers and gave me the money." "Dee was telling me to give back the money by next month or something will happen...I then knew I was putting myself in danger but I was sure I'd have the money by then...I was wrong...." Red then began to cry and Bigby gave her a hug. Red was shocked at what Bigby had done but felt better and loved the warmth of his body. "Thanks Bigby"

"Don't mention it, see I'm not that bad." he said with a big grin on his face.

Red just giggled "I guess"

"Did they do anything to you Red?"

"Tweedle Dum came to our apartment two days ago wanting the money I owed him, I told him I hadn't got it yet..and.....and" tears came rolling down Reds face "He....pushed me against the wall and...and punched me in the stomach and told me it would get worse next time and just left me on the ground...and I couldn't breathe....."

Bigby was filled with anger and felt the wolf in him try come out but he tried to stop it and not frighten Red, but couldn't.....

Red looked up and saw that Bigbys eyes had turned blood red and his claws come out..."BIGBY NO!" Red cried out and jumped out of her chair and stood against the wall panting and tears rolling down her face.

Bigby saw what he had done and tried to calm himself down. He closed his eyes and shuck his head and opened his eyes, returning them back to his normal hazel brown eyes. "I'm...sorry Red.." Bigby said sitting back down in his chair. "It's just when I get....really angry I can't control myself...I'm sorry.."

Red stayed stuck to the wall afraid to sit down again. "...."


Thanx for reading guys!!!I really appreciate it😊

Leave me a comment to let me know what you guys think and vote too!!

Thanx again hope you like this story!!I'm working on another story "BigbyXreader"and will have it out real soon!!!

Until the next one stay awesome✌️

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