chapter one

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(( and alot of other people (mostly my co author) Put this shit together. If only you could see the side Chats between me and Coauthor-San))

G0z stares Z00zy down, an angry smile spreads on his face. "WhAt DiD yOu Say?" G0z asks through gritted teeth. Z00zy Stared up at him with tears filling his eyes as he repeats the horrible word he had said, "f-frik.."
Z00zy sobbed as g0z hit him. "Im s-sorry g-g0z! I- w-wont d-do it ag-again!"
g0z smirked. "Of course you wont!" as g0z reached for z00zys pp yuck0 came in a smacked g0z with a pan in the head. "Z00ZY ARE YOU OK??" He asked in a worried tone as he sweeped z00zy off his feet. Z00zy looked down at G0z, who was laying on the floor. "Will he be ok..?" He asked quietly. Yuck0 shrugged. "I guess so...he would probably wake up tomorrow." Yuck0 walked away. Clinten and Caroline followed Yuck0 and Z00zy looking at each other and looking at them several times. Zoozy awkawardly waved back at them with a smile. Yucko handed Zoozy to Clinton. Zoozy stared bug eyed at Clinton, "Hi...".
Clinton gave Zoozy to Caroline,Caroline started walking Clinton being behind her. He let Caroline hold him, doing the little curl up like a cat does when you hold it. "Whaaaaat is happening??" Caroline stayed quiet. "ok.." Zoozy muttered and let his feet drag. Caroline handed Zoozy to Clinton and they kept walking. "Seriously, what's happening?" Clinton shrugged. "So you guys don't even know where we are going?" He whimpered. Clinton put Zoozy down and stared around the place. Zoozy sat cross-legged, and looked around. "Um.." Caroline pointed to one of the stands. "what's in the stand? Candy? More mice?" Clinton and Caroline nodded. Zoozy bolted up and skipped over to the booth. Caroline and Clinton walked around. "I'm too short to see inside!!" Clinton picked up Zoozy so he can see. Zoozy looked inside. "There is no candy >:o(" Clinton went to the other stand. Zoozy leans over the stand and falls inside, "F-". Clinton looked inside the stand and gave Zoozy a hand. Zoozy strained his arm and grab it. "I hit my head..." He whined. Clinton pulled Zoozy up. "Thanks, Clinton!" He smiled warmly at the bunny boy. Clinton smiled under THaT cReEpY mAsK. Zoozy suddenly felt very fucking awkward.
Clinton put Zoozy down. "So, uh, is there a reason we are here...?" Caroline and Clinton shrugged. "Did Yuck0 make you guys bring me here..?" They both shook their heads no. He kicked a pebble, "So... we're just HERE? For no reason..?" They nodded yes. He leaned against one of the booths. "Ok. :o)"
Clinton and Caroline went to each booth. "what are you looking for?"
Of course no reply. Zoozy sighed and dozed off in the warm sun light.
Clinton splashed water on one of the booths. A few droplets hit Zoozy and he jolted back up. Clinton looked at Zoozy. "Where did that water come from!? :o0"Clinton threw the water bottle. "wh-? Clinton?! You did it?????" Zoozy stared at him with shock. Clinton stood there and backed up a bit. Caroline watched. Zoozys eyes watered a bit, but he smiled. "It's fine. It just startled me." He said between sniffs. Clinton jumped and rushed to hug Zoozy. Zoozy wiped his eyes and hugged back. "Don't worry, Clinton.. I'm ok. I was just startled..." Clinton kept hugging him. Zoozy buried his face in Clintons shoulder, hugging tighter. Clinton sat by Zoozy and stayed there with him. Zoozy layed his head back on the side of the booth and grabbed Clintons hand. Clinton sat there. Zoozy breathed deeply, looking at Clinton with a smile. "You are a great friend......." He whispered. Clinton scooted closer to Zoozy and hugged him. Zoozy giggled quietly and leaned onto Clinton instead.
Clinten smiled under that mask. Caroline went for a walk. Zoozy looked up at Clintens face(?). "Can I try on the mask..?" Clinton moved uncomfortably a bit. "I-Im sorry I asked..." Zoozy muttered. Clinton nodded as he lifted his mask up a bit shooting in to kiss Zoozy. Zoozy flinched back a bit, his eyes wide. Caroline,Yucko and Goz watched. Yucko and Goz cried quietly. "H-hes gr-growing u-up so fast." ((the homosexual supportive cast- if you know this reference, I fuckin' love you)) Zoozy shuddered and broke away.
"I-Im..uh.....I...." Clinton got up and went for a walk. Zoozy wobbily stood up and skipped after him.

(Remember, tho this might not be your otp or something like that, that doesn't give you the right to harrased any who does ship it. Also remember, me and C/A-San did this like an rp, so ya. Chpt two real soon.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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