That pretentious little shit.

" You both are fucking out!" Adam yelled, making me momentarily deaf from his sudden outburst right into my left ear. I guess that was the downside of being the "little one" because my small body meant that I, without discussion, had been assigned the middle seat. This meant that I was cramped up between Matty, who could talk the hind leg off a donkey, and Adam who had a funny habit of bursting out into random singing of made up guitar solos and melodies. Other than that, Adam was a pretty easy and chill backseat partner, when he wasn't screaming and obsessing over some stupid made up game, which they called the Birds Eye Potato Waffles game. It was honestly really stupid and only something you would turn to in the deep depths of boredom, but here we were.

" Are we there yet?" I whined, leaning forward to enhance the chances of George hearing me over the loud discussion of some stupid rule that Matty was trying to add to the game, most likely to enhance his own chances of winning. He had a weird tendency of getting away with a million alterations in all aspects of life that could make things easier in his favour. Usually without people even knowing that he did it.

" Two minutes and then you'll be done babysitting" he announced much to my relief as he nodded towards Matty and Adam in the rearview mirror. " Thank fucking god," I mumbled, resting my body back against the seat.


" What, no?!" George defended with wide eyes as Ross had pointed out, that he and Matty both stood under the mistletoe that Adam and I had hung above the door to the living room, in the hopes of something like this happening. And oh boy, did it work.

Matty being Matty, who took any chance at putting on a show, tiptoed, perking his lips at the giant who shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

" You have to," I announced, high-fiving Hann as Matty made vulgar kissing sounds in George's direction.

" Rules are rules, mate" Ross added, pulling out his phone to immortalize the glorious moment just in time for the quick peck that Matty placed against George's cheek.

" Yuck," George mumbled, shivering as he wiped his cheek with the end of his sleeve before sitting down around the table.

Matty sat beside me with a laugh, pulling my legs into his lap.

" So who's in on opening presents?" Ross yelled excitedly, dropping a big pile of untidily wrapped presents on the table.


" What's this?" I asked, reaching for a flat present in the form of a square that was assigned for me from all four of them. The room instantly went silent and every one of them seemed to lean forward in their seat as I removed the ribbon.

I removed the wrapping paper slowly, glancing at their expressions in the process. They all seemed like they were holding their breaths, acting the same way small boys would if they had to show their school grades to their parents.

It was a small cd-case and I lifted my brow, turning it around to reveal "The 1975" written across it. " Oh my god, is this..?" I grinned from ear to ear, a feeling of pride rising in the core of my chest.

" Yes. The first demo of our first album," George clarified, looking immensely proud. They all did.

" I'm so happy for you guys!" I exclaimed sincerely, standing up to hug them all before sitting back beside Matty again.

The rest of the unwrapping of presents went pretty smoothly. Adam had gotten some new strings for his guitar, that apparently were so much better than any other strings, along with some socks and a Fleetwood Mac vinyl he didn't have yet. Ross had gotten some weird book about old cars, that he apparently had wished for. I had given George a denim jacket he had spoken about for a long time, and he had also received some game he could indulge himself in later. Matty had bought me the most beautiful silver necklace with a little heart pendant with M & R engraved in the back of it. It was extremely cheesy but also incredibly sweet, and I had gotten him some pants he had rambled on about for months. Not that I understood his obsession because they looked identical to the eleven pairs of black skinny jeans he already owned, but according to Matty these were so much different.

" Open this," he said with a smile, pushing a box into my lap. He leaned against my shoulder as I removed the lid and picked up a photo album. The pages were filled with small polaroids of me and him since I had moved in.

I traced my fingers across a picture of me sleeping in his bed. My face was half nuzzled into the pillow, the duvet tucked all the way up around my chin.

I smiled at the handwritten title that he had written above it; " I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of it".

" Thank you, Matty," I said, making him lift his head to face me as I turned towards him. " This is so sweet."

A smile spread across his face as I reached my hand up, cupping his cheek before connecting our lips in a soft, tender kiss.

" I love you," he whispered.

" I love you too," I replied, making George roll his eyes at us from across the room.

" You guys make me sick," he joked, making a gagging sound before throwing a fig in our direction, hitting the wall behind us.

" Rude," Matty exclaimed, throwing the fig back at George, hitting him in the middle of his forehead. Everybody laughed and a giggle escaped my lips as I slowly leaned closer to Matty so only he could hear. " I've got another present for you," I whispered, peeking towards the others who were now in a minor food fight, before looking back at Matty.

" What?" he asked, stroking my cheek.

I bit my lip, leaning in so that my mouth was right beside his ear.

 " It's white and lacy and I'm wearing it under these clothes," I whispered, leaning back just enough to see how a smirk spread across his lips. " Is that so?" he chuckled, biting his lip.

I pecked his lips quickly before he stood from his spot beside me.

" I'm really tired. I think I'll head to bed," Matty informed the boys, reaching out his hand towards me. " You coming with me, love?"

I grinned, shaking my head. Could he be any more obvious?

I tried my best to act innocent and unknowing as I slowly reached for his hand and stood from my spot.

" Sure. Merry Christmas guys. Good night."

And so Matty dragged me along in the direction of his bedroom.


Hope you liked it. I'm actually a little bit in the christmas spirit right now which is a little messed up considering that it is June but oh well.

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