where are you?

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It wasn't been a good time for Molly this few weeks. Missions are tough, and should be accomplished. Molly Wright mission is to found out what and where aliens come to earth to steal and manipulate humans. It wasn't that hard task given to her, but an easy one. There was a mistake when she's trying to arrest those aliens and bring them to the institute. Those aliens tries to escape, Molly uses a wrong a weapon and it blasted to a building.

She is arrested after that accident, as a punishment, she will be fired from the men in black. She accepted her punishment, and farewell goodbye to all of her agent friends. All of except one, her first love, Henry.

Where is she? what did you do to her? anger fills him slowly. Where is she !? he shouted and hits the table with his fist. Hitting it harshly with his injured arm.
"I'm sorry, H. We have to let her go." said agent C in a grief way. "Wha-what do you mean?" He asked in a reply. "We neuralize her, H, she is no longer an agent, i'm sorry. I know how much she meant to you." Henry went towards the door and leaves.

Henry leaves the institute, quit being a agent. He doesn't want to be neuralize, so he ran away. Being neuralized means he will forever forgot Molly and doesnt wants that. He uses the flying car and goes to New York.

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