As they sat down on the black, long metal stools, and from the opposite of them, they could see out through the glass, transparent window of their homely main campus.

The campus college of Palm Valley University, of where they walk grounds on; home of the warm, sunny, and humid state of Florida as days were very long and readied of the glorious sunshine.

Snow saw how the guys were already digging into their meal. Starving, like they wouldn't want to wait for any more than they have to.

"I'm going to go grab something to drink, I'll be back," she announced.

She stood up from her seat and walked nearby where the vending machine was with a mini wallet in her hand. She placed in a dollar and fifty cents but wasn't sure what she wanted to get, but she liked to have something sugary. 

There were all these different choices of soda that she could choose from, and she thought about what flavor she cares for at this moment. Thus, having to stare at the glass for a while.

"Are you done picking?"

Snow's eyes flickered when she saw Casey there with his arm leaning against the wall near the machine.

"What are you doing?" she asked, startled.

"I want a drink too," Casey said dryly.

"Oh. Well, I'm choosing right now." She turned her eyes back to the display chamber.

She liked to take her time with things and decide carefully before making a choice. Her finger hovered a few inches away from the selection.

She guided it around as if she were monitoring where it went until one of the choices would click to her like a bright light bulb. As she did so, she took a quick peek to her right with Casey still there probably in his mind, waiting for her to pick something out by now.

It's not like Snow could read minds, but that's what it looked like for him, and because she didn't want him to grow impatient, she looked back at the machine and clicked on the button for Coca-Cola.

After a few seconds of hearing the noise whirring, the solid metal thud made its sound, and Snow went to the bottom of the port to take the soda.

She stepped aside after retrieving so that Casey could have his turn.

Casey moved to the front of the display, scanned over in not less than fifteen seconds, and made his selection, which was a Dasani Cold Water.

She watched him bent down to pick up his water bottle. There were other vending machines with cold water bottles.

He didn't mind her, as he already was going back to the table and she followed behind him.

"Hey," Malloy said when he saw them coming back.

Casey opened the cap to his bottle before gulping of it as he sat down. Snow munched one of her French fries, which tasted with salt and looked at Kyle and Malloy, staring at Kyle's phone.

"Wanna play?" Kyle asked Snow.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

Kyle moved his phone closer for Snow to see better. "It's a quiz online. You should take it."

When she got a better view of the screen, it showed up in black letters bolded in print, and the title read Which Kind Of Crush Are You Meant For? 

Snow glanced at Kyle with an eyebrow raised at him. "You've been playing that?"

"No, not this one. I stumbled across this one and thought it's perfect for you," Kyle said, and with Malloy next to him, he looked like he knew too.

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