Chapter 14: King of the North

Start from the beginning

Her eyes shifted behind you when she saw them lower Bran out of the carriage and into his chair. She released her grip on you and walked over to him cautiously. Unlike the run she had used to greet you. It wasn't until she was a few feet away that she finally lunged at him and embraced him in a hug.

"You're home." She cheered as she held him. "You're finally home."

"Yes." Bran's monotone voice sang. Sansa leaned back and looked at him oddly.

"Is everything alright?" She asked him confused by his tone and words.

"Everything's fine." He assured her, but not really assuring her much at all. She nodded her head and chose not to address the subject here any further. You shared another more awkward smile with her before speaking again.

"Maybe we should head inside." You suggest.

"Oh, yes. You must be freezing. I know how you hate the cold." Sansa says in an apologetic tone. You walk behind Bran and grab the back of his chair to lead him into his childhood home. Meera and Sansa followed you close behind.

Once inside one of the servants waiting in the room began to light a fire. You wheeler Bran in front of the flame to warm him up. Sansa has offered Meera a cup of tea, which she gracefully accepted.

"You all most he starving." Sansa said as Meera sipped her tea.

"Yes, a little hungry." You say. Sansa looks over at her handmaiden and give her a nod, motioning towards the kitchen quarters. Her handmaiden quickly obliged and rushed to fetch you all some food.

"I'm actually more tired, my lady." Meera says softly "it's been a long journey."

"Of course." Sansa agrees. "I'll show you to a room you can use." Both Sansa and Meera stand and begin to make their wait out of the room. "Oh, ___." Sansa said Before she leaves "you can stay here if you'd like, too. I have Brans room prepared and you can have Robb's old bed."

"Thank you, my lady." You smile weakly.

"No need for the formalities." She corrects you. "You're home now too." With that she rests her hand in Meeras back and leads her out of the room to what you assume to be Jon's old bed.

"You don't like the idea of sleeping in his bed, do you?" Bran asks after they are out of earshot. You got goosebumps as he had spoken the words you were just thinking.

"Are you able to read minds too?" You ask him. Bran shakes his head.

"I can read faces."

You huff slightly. He was right. Sleeping in Robb's old bed just wouldn't feel right. Your mind began to replay memories of his bright hazel eyes, and his curly auburn hair. His bright smile and fierce personality. All the childhood memories you had with him. Then, you remember what the Nightsmen had told you happened to him. How the Frey's cut off his head, and made him wear Gray Winds.

Then, you began to think of Summer and Jojen. How Hodor screamed as he tried to hold off the wights. You tried to imagine what it must have been like to be left behind like that. To be abandoned by the people you tried to protect. Then, you look at Bran. He had given you a look like he had just seen what you were thinking. Though, maybe all those memories were written all over your face.

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