Here and There (Part 2)

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Corrin never let Y/n out of his sight. Y/n laughed, holding on to Corrin's arm tightly.

"Darling. I think I deserve some personal space too."

"I can't let you go. You might leave me again..."

"But I came back..." Y/n said. His gaze adverted away, staring at the sky. 

"How did you come back?" Corrin asked, still holding on to y/n.

Y/n sighed. He didn't want to remember it. It was too much. "Let's go sit somewhere. Just you and I."

Corrin and Y/n sat by the river. Y/n clenched his hands together.

"Kuro brought me back."
"Really? Matter in fact, I haven't seen him after the war."

"That's because... he's been figuring out a way to bring me back. He spent years to search for the answer to find a way to bring me back to life and he did..."

"Bring back comes with a price. A life for a life. Kuro told me when we met at the middle."

Corrin gazed went to the river.

"So, he traded his own for you... Why?"

"He told me that I accomplished more than what he has done. He abide father's words ever since he was little. After meeting me again.. that when he started to change.." 

"Y/n, you're probably hurt about this.. I'm sorry for asking."

"Yeah... But it's okay. I was bound to tell you sooner or later. Kuro just asked me one thing. "


"For us to be together. With Kanna and Yuki... have a home of our own.. just like now..."


Corrin pulled Y/n closer. The sky was becoming dark as the sun began to set. Both watched the sky together until they returned to their little cabin, with their two little angels living happily together...

<<< THE END >>>

I Shall Protect You. (MaleCorrin x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now