"Does she know that?" Sana jabbed a finger toward the door.

"I was making sure when you walked in."

Her eyes narrowed. "So there is something between the two of you."

"Whoa, hold on. Let's back this up." Her feet damn near paced the shine off the floors. "You're confusing the hell out of me. I try my best off to charm you, and you all but toss my ring. But when you think I'm flirting with another woman—which I was not—you're ready to elope?"

"As soon as you can pack your bags and book the flight." She closed the gap between them, blocking her pacing. Her jaw jutted aggressively. Which also happened to thrust out her full, kissable bottom lip.

Sana was hot when she was mad. Her eyes glimmered and her hair all but crackled from the heat radiating off her.

Dahyun was trying to do the straight-up best thing for their baby, and Sana was jerking her around nonstop. "If you're so pissed at me, why did you announce to the world we're headed to a Shibuya wedding?"

"Before—" Sana inched closer, tipping her head back until there was only a whisper of static-charged air between them "—I was worried about our feelings getting tangled up. But believe me, you've laid to rest all my fears about broken hearts and muddying the waters with an emotional train-wreck marriage. Now I know without question, there's not a chance in hell that I could fall in love with you. So let's go to Shibuya."

Sana held it together all the way through the introductions to JYP Ent. employees as Dahyun escorted her to her car. At least Dahyun had seemed to get the message she didn't want to give anything other than simple yes and no answers as she chartered a flight to Japan. Sana even managed to stay dry-eyed during the flight and through the sham of a wedding ceremony, difficult as hell to do since Dahyun had somehow managed to find a garden chapel service.

"I now pronounce you married. You may kiss." The wedding official closed his book of vows, running his hand over the floral cover. There were flowers and plants everywhere, just as she would have wanted, which made her all the more emotional.

Dahyun brushed her lips with a kiss, nothing overly dramatic and yet still perfect. Although the feel of her mouth against hers, even closed and only lightly touching, sent heat sparkling through her veins.

And made tears prick Sana's eyes.

Dahyun palmed her waist gently, her thumb stroking so lightly but enough to send Sana's spine arching toward her.

Sana broke away, looking down quickly, needing space. "Excuse me."

Sana raced to the washroom, desperate to leave before she embarrassed herself by falling completely apart in front of Dahyun. The whole day had been like a ride on a high-speed roller coaster, with more than a few loops tipping her life upside down. And somehow she'd zipped right along with it, never once calling for a halt, or even a slow down.

What in the world had she just done?

Sana rushed into the restroom, palms and hanging ferns packing the space. She sank onto the rattan sofa and yanked tissues from the box on the end table. Finally she let the tears flow, tears she'd bottled up since the minute she'd found out she would be having a baby alone.

This was her wedding night and as much as she wished she could allow herself to enjoy the fringe benefits without worry, she simply couldn't throw caution to the wind that easily.

Sana would do what it took to save her business. And yes, she would help Dahyun advance in her career, as well, because that was in the best interest of her child. Once this farcical marriage was done, she was through with Kim Dahyun.

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