kiwi [4]

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She had seen the pictures. Her management made sure to almost throw them at her when they saw her. The images of Dahyun and an unidentified woman visiting a clinic together.

After a long meeting of two hours, they knew they had to be two steps in advantage to the media. Jiyong ended up coming up with one solution. Much to Mr Kang's refusal at first.

Dahyun took a deep breath, slid a hand into her pocket and pulled out a black velvet ring box. She creaked open the lid to reveal...

A platinum-set solitaire diamond engagement ring.

Dahyun held the velvet box in her hand and waited for Sana's answer.

The shock on Sana's face wasn't a great sign, but the younger was used to overcoming difficult odds. Dahyun extended her hand with the engagement ring, knowing she was being impatient, but time was short. "So?"

"Whoa, hold on." Sana gathered her hair back from her face and exhaled—hard. "You're really tossing an engagement into the mix?"

"Does this look like I'm joking?" Dahyun lifted the diamond. The morning sun refracted off all three carats.

The bag slid from Sana's shoulder and thudded to the ground. "You really expect us to get married just because I'm pregnant? That's archaic. It was just something I said to grandma so she won't feel down!"

Dahyun hadn't meant marriage. She'd been thinking more along the lines of an engagement to shut up any gossips, something she might appreciate, too. But telling her as much probably wouldn't go over well. "If agreeing to marriage moves too fast for you, I'll settle for a trial engagement."

Dahyun picked up the bag Sana left on the ground—the only sign she might be nervous—and followed her to her. Her place was safe by Seoul standards, but somehow that didn't seem like enough now. And where would an active toddler play?

Dahyun had a lot of time to think, and one thing she'd settled on for certain—she didn't want to be a bicoastal parent. Dahyun wanted to be a larger part of her child's life. Sure, she worked hard, but she wasn't going to be like her father, who'd expected Dahyun to be a carbon copy of him, while never spending any time with his daughter to actually get to know her.

Dahyun tucked the ring back in her pocket—for now. Her goal set, she waited while Sana unlocked the double bolts and swept the door wide.

Dahyun set her bag on the hall table and followed her inside, wiping her feet on a rag rug. "We are obviously attracted to each other." The rapper gestured toward Sana's stomach. "Can you honestly say you never considered a future between us?"

"Never." Sana lied, and hung her coat on one of the vintage doorknobs mounted on a strip of wood, glancing back over her shoulder at Dahyun. "Now could you wrap this up, please? We can talk later about logistics for after the baby is born, but right now, I need to get ready for work."

Sana looked tired. Fine lines of exhaustion furrowed her forehead. Dahyun's instincts went on alert. "Are you sure you're all right?"

Sana hesitated a second too long before walking away towards the kitchen. "I'm fine."

Dahyun tracked her movements as she poured a glass of milk, her hair swinging along her back and inviting Dahyun's hands to test the texture, to discover if it was as soft as she remembered. "There's something you're not telling me."

"I promise the baby and I are both totally healthy." Sana lifted her glass in toast, her back still toward Dahyun.

Sana was dodging something, Dahyun was sure, but she could also sense Sana wouldn't share more now.

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