kiwi [6]

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Dahyun stepped back from Irene so her hand fell from her arm—something she'd been a second away from doing, anyway, right before Sana walked into the room.

What was Sana even doing here? And to make matters worse, Jiyong stood just behind her, scowling.What rotten timing all the way around. Irene had stopped by to ask if she was going out for drinks once her schedule was done, and Dahyun had been preparing the words to clear the air between them when the door had opened.

Sana stepped farther into the room, her eyes flashing like kryptonite. Her dress swirled around her legs, brushing against her curves. She was total sensual confidence. Sana thrust out her hand—her left one—engagement ring glinting. "I'm Sana, Dahyun's fiancée. We're getting married tonight."

"Married?" Irene squeaked.

"Tonight?" Dahyun needed air because keeping up with the surprises Sana dished her way was like an olympic sport.

Jiyong cocked an eyebrow and leaned deeper into the doorway for a front-row seat.

Sana breezed up to Dahyun and hooked her arm in hers. "I know an elopement is supposed to be a secret. Sorry for spilling the beans, but I'm just so excited. We're catching a hop to Shibuya. Too fast, I know, but, well—" she caressed her stomach "—it's obvious we don't have a whole lot of time to plan unless I want to get married wearing a tent."

Jiyong stuffed his hands into his pockets, his face inscrutable. "We all had no idea. Congratulations."

Dahyun looked at him. "Thank you."

Sana smiled apologetically. "Blame me for that secrecy part. I tend to be very private about my social life. I'm working on being more open." She smiled up at Dahyun, her fingernails digging trenches into her arm, the only indication her joy was anything other than authentic. "Did you tell them you'll be late for your schedule tomorrow?"

Dahyun patted her hand, easing her nails away. "Uh, not yet."

Jiyong straightened. "Sounds like you two have some plans to make. We all look forward to celebrating with you when you get back. Congratulations again." He held the door open for wide-eyed Irene to follow.

Dahyun owed her an apology. But she also owed Sana her loyalty. Had she been serious about eloping? If so, why the sudden change of heart?

Once the door clicked shut, Dahyun turned to Sana, eyeing her warily. Her hand rested mighty darn close to the pewter antique compass that was used as a paperweight. Was Sana the kind of person who threw things? She was usually so calm Dahyun wouldn't expect behavior like that from her. Although she also wouldn't have expected her to announce to the world they were jetting off to Shibuya in a few hours.

Dahyun closed the gap between them, watching her stoic face for the least sign of her mood. "Were you serious about eloping tonight?"

"Very serious." Sana set the pewter paperweight down with an extra-hefty thud.

"That's great, really great." Dahyun wasn't sure what had caused her change of heart. Hell, she wasn't sure what had propelled her to come to agency in the first place, but she didn't intend to argue. Dahyun brushed Sana's hair back over her shoulder, lightly, intimately. "You have nothing to be jealous about with Irene."

"Who said I'm jealous?" she snapped.

"You're obviously upset." Dahyun cupped the back of her neck, massaging, hopefully soothing.

Sana shrugged free of her hand. "I don't like being made a fool of."

"There's nothing going on between Irene and me." And there wasn't.

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