Chapter 16

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“How are you feeling?” I hear his naked footsteps on the floor and get up from the couch. But instead of a smile I am just greeted by a grumpy face. His pout is still so visible on his face and I know he is still mad at me for yesterday. But what else could I have done?

Without a word he marches over to the fridge and gets himself something to drink. I am grabbing his medication that is still laying on the living room table and hold them up.

“Don't forget these, babe.” I say trying to sound as cheerful and normal as I can. But one look into his frowning face tells me that this is not going to go away just like this.

“Knock...” I plea with him, but I am still just greeted by silence. He just comes over and takes his medication out of my hand before he disappears again into the bedroom. The way he shuts the door just this tiny bit too loudly tells me he is still very much pissed at me.

I sigh and get up. Old Korn might have jumped on the pissy train and just started to argue back with him. Because I honestly didn't do anything wrong to deserve this kind of treatment. But the new me is trying to be understanding. Is trying to communicate better as this was clearly one of our weak spots in the past.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I wanted nothing more yesterday night then just devour him whole. He is still the most attractive man on this planet and I am sure he doesn't even know what kind of a spell he has over me. Just seeing his puppy dog eyes and this tiny smirk on his lips is making me go crazy. Like literally go crazy. He can make me loose my mind in a second. He always was my biggest weakness.

But I promised him something. And I really don't want to start our second chance with broken promiseses. It just didnt feel right whatsoever. But instead of being rewarded for being able to keep it in my pants, just like I promised I would, I am getting the cold shoulder treatment. This is just not fair, I grumble to myself.

Time to change that...

I am barging into the bedroom without even knocking. I don't see the point. He would just pretend to not hear it anyway. Knock just sits on our bed, fiddling with his phone. I noticed recently how much he actually uses his phone as a distraction when he is feeling vulnerable or upset. I sigh lowly to myself and sit down next to him. His eyes are still firmly glued to the tiny screen in front of him.

“Babe...” I whisper quietly.

His eyes are darting quickly to the side, before he concentrates once more onto his game. I just scoot a bit closer and we are finally touching. I lie my head down onto his shoulder and close my eyes for a second. I will never get sick of being close to him. Not in a million years. Even if he is pouting as adorably as he is right now.

“Knock. Can we talk about this?” I ask him and to my surprise he lays his phone to the side, showing me that he is indeed willing to have this conversation.

“Why are you so upset with me?”

My head is still laying comfortable on his shoulder and my hand finds its way to his. He let everything happen. The silence that follows is longer then I wished for. But I will have patience. Patience with the man I love more then myself.

“You normally never not want me...” His voice is so small, but I can still here the pouting in every word. It's so hard not to just squeeze his cheeks right now and just kiss him senseless.

“I mean, there is always this one thing I can rely on. It doesn't matter how bad things are... You are always horny...” He says while fiddling with his toes. Now I really can't stop myself from letting out a small laugh.

Know You All Over AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora