Chapter 11

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"who's there?" Klaus whispered, glancing at the door to the Reptile Room, horrified.

"i don't know. i didn't see anybody i was too afraid to check." Violet replied. 

Klaus anxiously held Sunny tightly. Violet sighed an started pacing back and forth.

"is Uncle Monty okay?" Klaus asked, frightened for the answer.

"i don't know that either, Klaus. i'm sorry, i'm not much of a help to you, am i?" Violet winced. "i don't have a single answer. but i do have a question; what does the white beverage do?"

"it hypnotizes people." Klaus remarked. "I'm glad you didn't get controlled."

Violet nodded. "me too."

the Baudelaire children slowly hugged each other, listening to the screeching iguana clock scream each hour, and each hour, they grew even more frightened. the only one who wasn't scared was Sunny, but she was too young to understand what was going on, anyways.

the Baudelaire children felt something was wrong when they were at the 10th hour.

Violet slowly got up, and looked through the peephole. nothing. her fingers entangled around the door knob as she slowly turned it.

once the door was open a crack, it was easier to open it more. she could see nobody in the living room. nobody in the entry way. there was nobody upstairs, so they had to be in the kitchen or dining room.

or else, they didn't leave the house. there was no other possibility. gathering their courage, the Baudelaire orphans slowly tip-toed to the kitchen, horrified for what they would find. 

"NO!" Monty shouted. "you'll never find the children!"

Violet squinted her eyes and she peeked her head around the corner. she looked back in shock. "Klaus," she whispered anxiously, "it's Count Olaf!"

Klaus' eyes widen in shock. "But-didn't he drown? when he fell off of the Prospero?" 

Violet shrugged. "nobody could tell for sure. and really, are you that surprised?"

Klaus tilted his head back and forth. "i guess not."

Sunny, who usually stayed silent at times like this, let out a particularly loud shriek, showing off her, like her sibling's, disappointment. but still, Violet and Klaus grew more worried they would be found when their little sister screamed.

silently and extremely quickly, Klaus and Violet, who was holding Sunny, hurried back to the Reptile Room, locking themselves inside.

their voices dropped to a horrified whisper. 

"what will happen to Uncle Monty?" Klaus asked, squeezing Sunny tight.

"i hope he will be okay." Violet sighed, stroking the Incredibly Deadly Viper's head. 

Violet Baudelaire did not, like her siblings, share a fear of losing someone that looked after them. when she lost her parents, she realized that nobody could replace them. as much as she loved her new guardian, she would not cry for days. 

after all, they were bound to die at some point in time. of course, her parents would welcome them with open arms. but Uncle Monty was the best guardian they had ever had, well, besides their parents.

what if Uncle Monty did get murdered by Count Olaf? what would happen then? ever since the fire that consumed the Baudelaire mansion, Violet had severe anxiety. 

Klaus had always been horrified about their guardians safety, and often had nightmares about the people close to him suffering a slow, painful death, at the hand of no other than Count Olaf.

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