Chapter 5

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Uncle Monty was finally home. the Baudelaire orphans were relieved that they were alive. 

"how could he leave us with Stephano?" Klaus whispered to his sisters.

"maybe he doesn't understand how dire this is?" Violet whispered back.

Klaus shrugged. "he knows Stephano is an impostor," he said, "maybe he'll put a stop to what we never could."

Violet sighed. "if adults ever helped us, we'd have never even MET Count Olaf."

Klaus smiled weakly. "i suppose you're right, Violet." he frowned. "but Uncle Monty is different than most adults."

Violet, Klaus and Sunny walked into the parlor to find Uncle Monty talking to Stephano.

"so, you're saying, the Baudelaire's locked themselves in the Reptile Room, because you chased them up and down the stairs with a knife." he asked, full of suspicion. 

"common mistake." Stephano replied in his fake accent. "i no try to hurt, they mistaken."

Violet stormed in, their Uncle turning away from Stephano. "Uncle Monty, this man is-!"

the Baudelaire's gasped as Stephano, who was standing behind Uncle Monty, pulled out a large silver knife, and pointed it at the children.

Klaus backed towards Uncle Monty, his sister's following him.

safely beside Uncle Monty, Violet finished her sentence.

"Uncle Monty, this man is Count Olaf." Violet cried. "he cannot accompany us to Peru tomorrow!"

Uncle Monty smiled. "Really? i had NO idea," he laughed. "Stephano, no regular person threatens CHILDREN with a knife!" he frowned. "Now, begone!"

Stephano huffed, grabbed his things and thudded out the door, swearing under his breath. 

"I told you, Baudelaire's." Uncle Monty said softly. "i will never ever let harm come to you children."

the Baudelaire orphans smiled and sighed in relief. 

Klaus hugged Uncle Monty, "thank you," he whispered, then hugging his sisters.

"no problem, Klaus, Violet, Sunny, i always want the best for you."

Violet smiled. "Count Olaf is finally gone from our lives!" she screamed in excitement. 

Uncle Monty smiled.

"But, Uncle Monty, how did you know about Olaf's schemes?" Klaus asked.

"simple, really." Monty explained. "i read the Reptile Room."

Violet smiled, "well, i'm glad such a book exists!"

"Well, Baudelaire's, don't forget to pack your things." Monty replied. "we leave for Peru tomorrow morning!"

the Baudelaire children smiled to one another and then beamed at Uncle Monty. the children and their uncle sat around the dinner table.

"don't forget to help Sunny with her bag once you two have finished packing." Monty rambled.

"of course, Uncle Monty." Violet replied casually, as her brother's face was stuffed with food.

the Baudelaire children excused themselves from the table so they could pack their things. 

Violet packed her clothes, ribbon, pencils, blueprints, paper and inventing tools. Klaus packed a notebook, pencils, books, clothes, extra glasses and an extra lens. Sunny packed her clothes and things to bite for both her and the Incredibly Deadly Viper.

the Baudelaire orphans finally felt safe. they happily carried their small suitcases downstairs and put them by the front door.

"Uncle Monty, where's your suitcase?" Klaus asked, as soon as they had come back to the kitchen, seeing their Uncle's bag wasn't by the door. "You can't leave on a 10 day trip without extra clothes.

Monty smiled and nodded. "Klaus, my bag hasn't been packed yet. that's what i intend to pack my things when you children go to bed, i'm afraid i might wake you up, as i have to pack the snake's things as well."

"the snakes get their own suitcase?" Violet asked with a laugh.

"of course, equal rights, correct?" Monty joked. "but yes, they do."
the Baudelaire children shared a smile with each other. one that said, we've finally found safety and happiness.

the Baudelaire children and their Uncle Monty could rarely sleep that night because of their excitement. the Baudelaire children had never been on a cruise before, and were quite nervous to be on such a large ship, but also very excited that they got this opportunity.

Uncle Monty, even though he was very excited, fell fast asleep within minutes. he was exhausted from so much preparation that day. 

Monty was sleeping peacefully when he woke from a large series of excited screams.

he got out of bed, and collected the Baudelaire children, taking them to the kitchen for breakfast. 

"I'm so excited!" Violet squealed. "we've never been on a cruise before!"
Monty nodded at the children and pushed a plate of pancakes in front of each of them.

asoue; if Uncle Monty didn't dieWhere stories live. Discover now