Chapter 3

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uncle Monty frowned. "it must be that no-good Mr. Poe again, you do have no luggage."

the Baudelaire orphans frowned. "it can't be him with our things. he said he'd bring them over in a week or so,"

Monty opened the door. standing there was an older bald man, with wide, glasses that magnified his eyes. he had a long, gray beard and his eyes were dark.

"Hello!" said the man, in his high-pitched, incredible accent. "i am Stephano!" he smirked. "your new assistant, Dr. Montgomery,"

Monty frowned. "Assistant? i didn't hire an assistant."

"the council of Herpetology has sent me to be of assistance," Stephano replied. 

"so let me get this straight." Monty said, full of suspicion. "you are my new assistant, 

even though i didn't hire one, because the council need me to have one?" 

"indeed, Dr. Montgomery," Stephano said. "can i pet those little fur balls of herpetiles?"

"Stephano," Monty replied, "you do know herpetiles are snakes, correct?"

"Yes, Dr. Montgomery," Stephano said. "do you have any children i have to interact with?"

"well, actually, yes." Monty said. "i have adopted three orphans only this morning. Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire."

hearing their names, the Baudelaire's crept closer to the assistant. he did not look very suspicious to anybody. anybody except the Baudelaire's. 

Stephano was none other than Count Olaf, the former guardian of the Baudelaire children.

Violet gasped and slowly backed away, pulling her siblings with her.

"Children nowadays, eh?" Stephano asked suspiciously. "they are so mysterious,"

"well, children ARE one of the many mysteries of the world, Stephano." Monty replied. "but, the Baudelaire's seem to know something that i do not. why don't you go upstairs and unpack, while i talk to the children?"

Stephano nodded, but seemed annoyed Monty would get alone time with the Baudelaire children.

"Or, Dr. Montgomery?" Stephano asked. "perhaps you could show me to my room?"

Monty shrugged. "it's the only blank one." 

Stephano grunted but head up the stairs.

now Monty's only obstacle was talking to the Baudelaire's privately. 

asoue; if Uncle Monty didn't dieWhere stories live. Discover now