Part 9

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it had been many, crushing months since the cruise aboard the Prospero. the Baudelaire children had had many more tragic events, though not as tragic as the Baudelaire fire. but happily, the Baudelaire children no longer felt like orphans under Uncle Monty's care. even though they felt completely safe living with their favorite guardian. 

Although there had been many snake funerals in the past months, as unfortunately, climate changed horribly throughout the few weeks they were in Peru. and the caretaker they had hired a few days before the expedition never ended up coming. not even once. they snakes went hungry and thirsty and hot. and nobody was there to save them.

even thought the Baudelaire orphans had been through many misfortunes to get to the home they now lived in, they were very comfortable there. talking about almost everything to Uncle Monty. they felt like he really was their parent.

it had been hard to call the Montgomery residence home when they first moved in after their dreadful experience with Count Olaf. but once they had gotten used to the routine, their time there was much more enjoyable. and once they knew Uncle Monty very well, almost as well as they had known their mysterious parents, they were ready to call this their home and family.

even though it had been almost a year since the horrible fire, Violet Baudelaire still relived the horrible fire and destruction every night in her dreams. and Klaus Baudelaire still relived it everyday, studying old pictures of his parents. and Sunny Baudelaire did not understand what had truly happened, but every time she saw her big siblings crying, she remembered their tears on the day of the horrible fire.

and even Uncle Monty, who had not been there, grew horribly sad when he came across old journals he and his friends had written during their childhood.

but even though they had been through difficult predicaments, they were relieved to have each other. and hoped that Count Olaf would never ever find them again. if he had survived a swim back to shore, that is. 

"Uncle Monty?" Klaus asked, after school one day.

"yes, Klaus?" 

"Carmelita's been really mean to Violet lately, but she's to ashamed to admit it." Klaus said, frowning. "what if she really hurts Violet?"

"Violet's strong and independent, have you already forgotten what she did to Olaf on the Prospero?"

"But then Violet will get in trouble." Klaus commented.

Monty nodded but silently separated from Klaus and walked into the Reptile Room, where Violet was getting ready for her extracurricular activity that night.

"What do you have today, Violet?" Monty asked. 

"Karate." Violet replied.

the teenager walked in front of the window, searching for her karate belt.

"Well, Violet remember what i told you; don't put anyone in the hospital like last week." Monty said with a laugh. two rough hands reached in the back window and pulled Violet away! "Violet?"

Monty turned around and saw the girl had vanished! 

asoue; if Uncle Monty didn't dieWhere stories live. Discover now