My Heart

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My heart has a bruise

But who should care

Defiantly not her

Like man, it's an open wound

Always flowing that precious blood

Like a stream of my tears 

I wish she could see

The pain shes inflicted on me

She says she sorry

That's not enough

If you're sorry you'd do it in person

Not hide behind another screen

Another text

Yeah that's nice

Do you feel the power of the beat

That's the power of a dragon heart beat

It's beating for you

And It always will

Even when you slayed it

It laid there for you

But you just kicked it into that abyss

Yah know after that talk

I just feeling like dying

Knowin that it'll never be what I thought

My life is great and filled with joy

But I'll always feel the gap you left

I know you didn't mean to

My heart is hurt

And she don't care

Just like a fire that burns in my life

It's never ending

Always there

Every moment burning

My hair

My Heart

My Soul

The stars that look upon me

Have gone cold

Always there

Not so bright

Like a diamond cutting through the night

My heart is a wolf

Always looking for its pack

Never to find one

But he had found love

She was perfect

Just like the home

He dreams and fights

To protect the ones he loves

But though he's slain

She felt the pain

Of the bullet that hit his caring heart

Always had an empty hole that was never filled

He found his mate

But the pack was gone

So he lived his life so perfectly in stone

Everything went right

For both of them

Now they carry on his honoured name

His pups are the next generation

Everything will change

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