Another step. “But it’s my best shot, yeah?”


            “Doctor, shut up!” River cried, shaking her head; her smile partly from grief and partly from excitement that her mother and father could indeed meet again. “Yes, yes it is!”

            “Amy!” The Doctor said.

            “Well then,” Amy said. “I just have to blink, right?”


            “It’ll be fine,” Amy nodded slightly. “I know it will. I’ll be with him, like I should be. Me and Rory, together…. Melody.”

            “Stop it!” The Doctor shouted, turning to River and holding his hand out to her. “Just stop it!”

            River walked forward, grabbing her mother’s hand.

            Amy’s voice was choked. “You look after him,” she said. “And you be a good girl, and you look after him.” River placed a kiss to the top of Amy’s hand.

            “You are creating a fixed time.” The Doctor said, “I will never be able to see you again.”

            “I’ll be fine. I’ll be with him.”

            “Amy, please. Just come back into the TARDIS. Come along Pond, please.”

            Amy let out a choked sob, tears running down her face. “Raggedy Man,” she turned around, “Goodbye.”

            And then, she was in the middle of a park. 

            Rory lay facedown nearby. Amy ran to him, falling to her knees next to him, tears streaming down her face as she cried out to him. He groaned, and turned his head. His left cheek was covered in crimson blood and his eyes were squinted.

            “Rory! Darling, are you alright?” Her voice still shook as she held his cheek in her hands.

            “Rough landing,” he replied, he grunted as he turned over and sat up, “but I’m alright. What happened? Where are we?”

            “The angel,” Amy let out a shaky breath, “it teleported you here.”

            His eyes widened. “And you followed? Amy, how could you be that stupid! You could have died!”

            She began crying again. “Like I told you at Winter Quay: Together, or not at all.”

            He reached forward, holding her face in his hands. “Amelia Pond,” he said, “you could have been killed.”

            “Together,” she sobbed, “or not at all.”

            Rory leaned forward, pressing his lips into hers. They fit perfectly together, and after Amy let out a choked sob against his lips, she deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around her husband’s waist. They kissed in front of the large rock, which they both had kissed on – will kiss on – in years to come, the Doctor at their side. It already felt as though years had passed since Amy had last seen him, though it hadn’t even been two minutes.

            Their lips parted, and Rory stared into Amy’s tearful eyes, his own eyes beginning to moisten. They hardly noticed a third presence as they stared at each other.

            “Hey, you two,” a man asked, “you alright?”

            The two of them looked up at the man, who wore a dark suit and fedora.

            Rory nodded slightly. “Fine.”

            Amy blinked, allowing more tears to flow down her cheeks. “What day is it? What year is it?”

            “It’s the thirteenth of February…1939.” The man said, eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure you’re alright? To much to drink?” He let out a laugh, but stopped when he noticed Rory’s cheek. “You sure you’re okay, buddy? You’re a bit bloodied. You may need some stitches for that cut.”

            Amy looked at Rory’s cheek, where crimson was smeared. Indeed, he had a cut, which looked as if stitches may be needed, but he would be fine without them.

            “We’re fine,” Amy said, sniffling. “Thanks.”

            Rory stood up, pulling Amy up with him. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her close to him.

            “Not from here, judging from your accents.” The man held a hand out to them. “Richard Jones.”

            Rory took his hand, giving it a shake. “Rory Williams,” he said. “And this is my wife, Amelia Williams.”

            “Well then,” Richard said. “Welcome to New York City.”

(May be edited later)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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