"Little Lester," Keegan, the kicker called as he slid up to the fence dividing us.

"Hey, Kee." I returned his smile. "How they looking?"

"You tell me." Outside of my brother's friends and my own, Keegan was the only guy who knew my upbringing and the boyish skills I learned. I could follow just about every sport out there and football was the only one I wished to be a part of.

"I think there's a shot this year." We slowly walked around the field. I stayed on my side and he stayed on his.

"Blaine," Joseph boomed and I looked up to see a ball sailing toward us. Keegan side stepped the flying object as I took a step back and dropped my book to catch it. Joseph clapped, "Ten and oh!"

The heat on my face confirmed I was blushing as the poms team fell silent. All their eyes were on me as we most of the remaining football players. I held the ball to Keegan and he shook his head.

"Nah, this one's all you." He swept his arm through the air, waiting for me to take the chance. I shook my head and rolled the ball around in my hands. The laces lined up with the fingers in my left hand and I threw the ball back toward the crowd. Finn stepped between Joseph and ball. Shooting me a smile, the heat grew. I ducked my head and studied my worn converse. "Girl's got skills."

"Yeah," I muttered before picking my book back up. "I should really get going. Lucas seems to be in the mood to leave me."

We parted ways as he trotted back to his teammates who were still gawking. I kept my head down as I rounded the end of the field and stopped at the door for the locker rooms. Lucas was passing me and told me five minutes. He entered the locker room and I leaned against the wall. Finn and Joseph passed me. As Shane brought up the rear with his coach, I grabbed his arm.

"We'll go over the plays tomorrow," Coach Gilly nodded at what Shane had suggested on their walk over.

"Thanks, Coach." He turned to face me as I crossed my arms. "What's up, Lainy."

"Good. Your brain wasn't damaged during that hit."

"That was nothing." Shane glanced from me to the door leading to the locker room. When he looked back I could see something was off.

"What did you do?"

"Let it go, Lainy."

"Not until you tell me what's got Lucas so bothered."

"He's blowing off steam. I think he's earned it after last weekend."

"So, he's beating shit out of you because of me?"

"I said let it go." He brushed past me with a scowl etched onto his face and entered the locker room.

"Ass," I called after him, not caring who heard. I stomped to the parking lot and dropped the tailgate of my brother older than dirt truck. I hopped up and stewed for a few minutes before sighing in defeat. How could he still be mad after four days?

"Nice pass," Finn said as he leaned against the tailgate. His hands were shoved in his jeans pockets and his gym bag was hanging off his shoulder.



"What," I asked unintentionally repeating him. He pointed a finger at me.

"That look. I don't see it very often." I snorted.

"You should come over more often. You'll see it all the time." His expression told me he was expecting a better explanation. "Some days I just feel like a disappointment."

"I've had those days," he eyes scanned the lot. "But I don't think you should."

"The shy sister of the boy voted most outgoing shouldn't feel like a disappointment?"

"Last time I checked, your name isn't Lucas. You're your own person. Stop trying to live up to him. Honestly, it would be terrifying to have two of you stalking around this place."

"I'm as scary as a kitten, remember?"

"Your fierce, Laine, not scary. We just aren't used to seeing it. That's what scares us."

"Are you saying I should crawl back in my shell?"

"No," those beautiful emeralds locked with mine, "I'm saying you need to be you and be proud about it. You want out of that shell, then fight like hell. Don't let anyone stop you."

"Car not starting again, Finn?" Our heads snapped to my brother as he dropped his gym bag in the bed of his truck. Clearly he hadn't left his aggression on the field.

"Just complimenting your sister on her pass. I'll see you tomorrow," he said the last part while glancing in my direction. Pushing himself off the tailgate, he made his way to his car. Lucas sat beside me. His hands were clasped between his legs as he hunched forward.

"I'm sorry for my behavior this week."

"It's my fault," I whispered.

"Not exactly." He swung his foot to tap mine. "It's hard for me to accept that you're going to be seventeen. When mom left, you were still learning long division. You were a kid. Coming out to parties. Watching guys stare at you. It's all still new to me. Adjusting to loosening the reins is going to take some time for me. I really thought I could. The guys talked me down from killing Owen, but after that I panicked. I had so many scenarios running around in my head that, I don't know. I snapped, and it shouldn't have happened."

"You raised me well, Luke. I don't like to, but I can defend myself. The crazy ass rules need to be revised. And if you make another testosterone lead demand, I'll give you the same hit as Owen." He chuckled and sat a little straighter. Looking me over, he shook his head and pulled me into a lazy hug.

"Dear Lord, help the boy who tries to pursue you."

"Does that mean I can go to the field party after the game Friday?"

"Only if you sit in the stands for the whole game." It wasn't really a punishment, but I couldn't help but tease him.

"The whole thing, like time outs too?"

"Get in the truck, Brat, or your walking home," he let go of me and we slipped off the tailgate. The truck roared to life as he pumped the gas pedal and turned the key in the ignition. Using the crank on the door, I lowered my window and let my hand dance in the wind as my brother drove.

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