A finger tapped my shoulder and I found Cam smiling down at me. He held a red plastic cup to me which I took with little concern and took a swig. The burn scorching my throat passed as quickly as it appeared. I shot a look to Heather who held up her own glass. A guy was whispering in her ear causing her to giggle and turned her attention back to him.

I had lost track of the songs we danced to, and the number of drinks Cam and Heather has snuck me. Fanning my face with my hand got Cam's attention. He gestures toward the kitchen and I nodded. My legs felt like jell-o and I had no doubt I resembled a baby deer taking its first steps. My friend laughed at me making, a joke that I ignored as the stuff fall breeze slammed into me.

Grabbing hold to the railing, I leaned forward and closed my eyes. That was a mistake. The room I couldn't see anymore was spinning twice as fast and my thoughts were muffled. Cam rested a hand on my back and said something before he disappeared. I groaned as I rested my hand on my crosses arms gangling over the rail.

"Laine," Cam nudged my shoulder as he stepped in place beside me. "You should drink this."

"No more," I muttered as my stomach churned.

"I promise it's only water." I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. Positioned between us on the railing was an unopened bottle of water.

"Lucas," I asked fearing my brother's wrath as I open the bottle.

"Haven't seen him for a while, but his minions have been watching."

"Shit," I slurred as I stood straighter. The quick movement sent a ripple of throbs across my brain. I curse again as my hand shoots up to cup my head.

"Maybe we should get out of here," Cam suggested taking the water from me.

"Before Luke sees," I nod cautiously.

"Who knew you would be such a lightweight." I shoved Cam, only for him to grab my shoulders and steady me. He wrapped one of his arms tightly around me as he guided me into the house and in the direction of the front door. We had to dodge a pair playing beer pong, and side step a couple too busy to notice us passing by. Cam's hand remained on my back, even when we were forced to walk single file.

The breeze from the backyard was calmer than the one out front. Cam helped me to sit in the grass as he went to go get the car. He mumbled something about not being able to trust me walking two blocks in my condition. Big baby, I thought as I combed my fingers through the lush grass. A sudden burst of cinnamon caught my attention, then the feet beside me. Tilting my head back, I stared quizzically at the guy beside me.

"Hello there," I smiled lazily as I battled my heavy eyelids.

"What are you doing out here," he asked sitting beside me.

"Waiting for my ride." I watched him as he scanned the street.

"Is it Wonder Woman's jet?"

"No," I snorted while giggles bubbled inside. "Cam went to go get the car."

"How much did you drink?"

"Too much." A wave of disappointment crashed over the giggles. My shoulders slumped as my head fell. "Luke is going to kill me."

"I doubt it. He cares about you too much to kill you." I raised my eyebrow at him and that knee weakening smile curled onto his face. "You should have heard him and Shane going at it."

"He doesn't fight with Shane," I looked away from him.

"He did tonight," Finn took my queue and looked at the street. His arms were resting on his bent knees. "Something about you making a spectacle."

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