Natasha and I got on great and we definitely have become way more comfortable with each other. Although we haven't exactly had a serious conversation about our relationship I can definitely feel our soulmate bond.

Even though we didn't go to sleep until the sun started to rise again I was the first one up at 10, and since there was nothing else to do I put on a swim suit and left for the pool.

I missed the last two days of training so I'll have to take extra laps today I think to my self making my way to the entrance to the pool, and After figuring out how many laps I'm going to do I put my goggles on and jump in.

After a while of swimming I wonder why I'm not tired or out of breath even though I've been at this over an hour. As I finish another lap I try to slow down but I can't it feels like the water around me is pushing me forward and no matter what I do it won't stop or slow down.

At this point my whole body is under water even my head and yet I don't feel the need to come up for air. Instead I breathe under water as if I were some sort of fish. I'm not even moving my arms or legs and yet I'm still moving in the water at my normal speed.

None of this is making any sense and frankly it's completely freaking me out.

how am i going to stop? I mean I'll have to stop soon right? But when will that be?

I close my eyes and focus completely on stopping.



I think over and over until finally the water slows and I'm in control again.

Floating in the middle of the hotels pool I stare down at the water in shock.

What the hell just happened?

I was swimming- no not swimming I wasn't even moving and yet I was still going the same speed as if I was still swimming. It was like the water learned what I was doing and it copied me.

It doesn't make any sense.

As I tread in the middle of the pool I wonder if I could really breathe under water as well or if that all was just some sort of trick or a hallucination.

I suppose there's only one way to find out and that's to test it out, so I dive under and hesitantly take a deep breath.

It doesn't feel the same as breathing air, but it is just as easy and natural. It feels thicker somehow. I feel like I only need one or two breaths every 5 minutes when I'm under water as a posed to my need to breathe air every second above water.

Just when I started to feel completely comfortable with breathing under water someone dives in, and pulls me up to the surface of the pool where someone else pulls me out and wraps their arms and a towel around me from behind.

"God, Ariel, I know you like swimming but do you have to stay under for that long? you could have drowned." Tony's concerned voice comes from right next to my ear so he's the one who's holding me.

I look over to the latter that's used to get out of the pool and see a very shirtless very wet mr America climb out.

"What were you thinking, Ava, staying down there for so long?! You had us worried." Mr America said coming over to me and tony who was rubbing my arms. Thinking that I must be cold from being under for so long, but when I think about it I'm not.

That's another thing that isn't making any sense this day is getting weirder and weirder.

"Wait how long was I down there for?" I ask clueless I guess time slipped away from me while I was down there breathing water instead of air.

"We don't know you were down there when we came in. We had planned to wait for you to come back up but when you didn't after awhile I jumped in." Mr America said running a hand through his blond hair. I take a moment to look at him he's still very shirtless and wet. I never thought about it but he's got his very own 6 pack and with the water rolling down it...... well let's just say I'm having trouble focusing.

"Ariel!" Tony yelled snapping me out of my day dream after stepping away from me to face me with mr America by his side they look very intimidating, "what happened down there?"

"Uhhh-" I my intelligent answer, "I was testing something out?"

"Testing what out?" Mr America asks crossing is arms.

"Ummm. I'm hungry are either one of you hungry Natasha and Emma won't be up for awhile we should go get breakfast or lunch whatever is good with me."I say walking towards the exit only to be stopped by my two soulmates.

"Ava, you can tell us. what ever it is we're here to listen." Tony said calling me Ava for the first time since I met him.

My eyes bounce in between them as I weigh my options.

On one hand we have the fact that they are my mates and they would never hurt me, and on another I just met them. I've never really fully trusted anyone so it's going to be super hard to trust these guys and im not sure that I'm ready too but I'm also really really tired of keeping my walls up around everyone.

"I'm not really sure how to explain it. You guys will probably think I'm crazy."

"Honey we've heard of a lot of crazy stuff I'm sure we can handle it, but if it will make you feel more comfortable we can go eat then you can tell us if you want to?" Steve proposes putting his shirt back on which disappoints me.

"Yeah okay that sounds good." I say nodding my head putting a tee shirt and sorts on over my swim suit.

"Is it okay if peter comes too he's in the car?" Tony asks grabbing my hand and leading me to the exit.

"Yeah that's fine." I say shyly while holding his hand I get into the car.

"Hey Ava!" Peter greets happily with his goofy smile as I nervously climb into the back seat with him.

"Hey P." I whisper with a weak smile when he puts his hand in mine obviously noticing my unease and trying to comfort me even when he doesn't know why I'm nervous. That's what I'm staring to love about him he doesn't push me to talk to him he's just here for me.

Nonetheless I'm still dreading the conversation that I will have to have with them tony and Steve were definitely too worried to just drop it like I wish they would.

I'm not even completely sure of what happened how am I going to explain it to them it a way that won't make them freak out and be even more worried than they already are?

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