Carly Catto

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Carly Catto
Grade 11
Dance Program

My phone buzzed and I glanced down at another text from Vanessa. She explained to me that Beckett didn't want her to be friends with Sasha anymore. Sadness rippled through me. Beckett and Sasha had been best friends. I knew this fight affected Sasha more than he let on.

Carly: You know Jenna told Beckett because of her crush on Sasha, right?

Vanessa: Yeah, but I don't see how that makes a difference

Carly: I guess not, but it makes me so mad!

No reply.

Carly: We're still good, right? Just because you and Sasha aren't friends doesn't mean we can't hang out.

A few minutes passed before Vanessa replied.

Vanessa: I think Beckett and I need some space. You're still Sasha's girlfriend...

Carly: Got it.

Vanessa: I know I can get him to come around. I just need time.

I locked my phone screen and shoved the phone in my backpack. I slouched in my seat. None of this was fair. I was already dealing with enough being the Prima Dance Captain. Not to mention I'd gotten a job after school at the mall so I could pay for new pointe shoes.

A girl with long black hair sat next to me. She pulled out a calculus book with perfectly manicured nails and set it on her desk.

"You're in the dance program, right?" She asked.

I sat up straighter. "Yeah, I'm Carly. You're music program? You sang for our dance during the showcase."

"Bianca," she said. "Look, one of the film students is filming a short film that's a musical. He needs some dancers. Would you and your friends be interested?"

I perked up. "Maybe. I'm the Prima Dance Captain. I might be able to get the primas to be in it. We have auditions this afternoon."

"Great!" Bianca smiled. She handed me her phone. "Put your number in. I'll text you the information."

Getting the primas into a short film produced by a Keaton student would be amazing. I only wondered if I could talk Ms. Helsweel and Ms. Staut into it?

"Thank you," Ms. Staut said stiffly. "You showed everyone an example of what the primas are not looking for."

I watched as the freshman ran out of the studio crying. This had only been the first audition. I already knew it was going to be a long afternoon.

Dancer after dancer performed their auditions, each one rejected immediately by Ms. Staut.

Then Vanessa stepped up to the dance floor. I bit back a smile. She danced flawlessly and deserved to be on the primas more than anyone.

"Thank you, Ms. Morita," Ms. Staut started.

"Ms. Staut, I think Vanessa should be considered," I interrupted.

Ms. Staut raised an eyebrow. "As do I, Ms. Catto. Ms. Morita has great potential as a choreographer."

Vanessa gave me a small, sad smile and then stepped back to the sidelines.

The rest of the auditions proceeded quickly, with only a few students left. We easily voted Beckett and Vanessa to the team. I gritted my teeth when Jenna's audition came, but even though I wanted to vote against her, I didn't. The auditions should be based on skill, not personal vendettas.

Then it was Sasha's turn. His dancing always made me smile. Ms. Staut seemed less than impressed.

"That wraps up the auditions for today," she announced.

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