Carly Catto

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Carly Catto
Grade 11
Dance Program

It was just another day at my boring high school. Returning from touring with Katy Perry only to find out that our seasons project hadn't saved Keaton from being closed was a colossal disappointment. To make it worse, Vee and I didn't live in the same school district anymore, and since my father had lost a second job, my family could no longer afford to pay for my ballet lessons.

I'd continued with my studies as much as I could, even paying for the lessons with the money I'd earned being J.J. Hawks apprentice. But the money had only covered the first few months of lessons, and no part-time job paid enough to keep up.

Even being 'Keaton's Keepers' last year after Vee and I flooded the school hadn't been as boring as my new high school was. As I slid into my seat for calculus, I realized it still felt weird to be wearing jeans instead of tights and a leotard. Kit Dunn sat in the seat next to me.

Even though we hadn't known each other at Keaton, we'd become quick friends. I knew she'd been the stage manager for our freshman production of Cinderella. And I knew of her sister, "Scarlett the Starlet". She was practically Keaton royalty, and since she signed a record deal with Clive Richie, everyone knew who she was.

"Did you understand any of the homework last night?" I leaned toward Kit.

She shrugged. "Yeah."

More students filed in and began to take their seats. I let out an exasperated sigh and threw myself back against my seat.

Kit looked at me from the corner of her eye. "Missing Keaton?"

I crossed my arms and frowned.

"You have a cellphone."

"Vanessa's busy with Beckett."

Kit shot me a knowing glance. She understood since she was dating a boy she'd met a Keaton.


"Cassie's at Julliard. She doesn't have time for phone calls!" My contact with her had been limited since she'd left a few months back. We had plans to meet up over Christmas, but while school was in we didn't really talk.

"And there's no one else?"

I'd already spent too much time with Jenna. There was only so much of her I could handle. That left one other person: Sasha.

I pushed away that thought as quickly as it came. I couldn't begin to list all the ways that could go wrong. First, he'd friend-zoned me. Then, he wrote about me on his gossip blog, outing my relationship with Austin and forcing us to break up. Finally, he kissed my best friend (Vee). We might've been friends again, but thinking about him still hurt.

"I don't know what to tell you, Carls. We can't go back in time."

The bell rang, and we sat up straighter as our math teacher walked in. As he droned on, I began to daydream about being at Keaton. Even Helsweel's class would be better than this.

Kit shoved me. "It's over, Carls."

I blinked. The forty-five minute lecture had already ended and, thankfully, it was my last class of the day.

"Get a grip," she said unflinchingly. "And figure out some way not to fail this class."

As I stepped out into the afternoon sun, my phone rang.

The name 'Sasha Roy' flashed on my phone.

It was like he had psychic powers and knew whenever I was thinking about him.

"Hey Sasha."

"You're never going to believe it!"

"What?" I shifted the phone to my other ear, waiting for a long dramatic story.

"Keaton's reopening."

"Wait, what? How do you know this?"

"Come on, Cee. Just because I don't run a gossip blog anymore doesn't mean I don't know gossip." He laughed, and it was easy to imagine the way his eyes lit up and the way his lips smirked.

I swallowed down those emotions. "Who's your source?" I demanded.

"Beckett. Helsweel told him. She's going to get her old job back."

"That's amazing!" I said, finally relaxing. "I have to call, Vee."

"I just thought you would want to know," he said, more subdued now.

"Yeah, thanks. Bye," I said breathlessly. I hung up before Sasha could respond.

I quickly dialed Vanessa's number. I could think about my feelings for Sasha another time.

But now, Keaton was back.

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