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While this fanfic is written from the alternating POV's of the Backstage characters, it is important to read them IN ORDER and not skip to a character you like. The stories build upon each other and reading only your favorite character will make it confusing.

I'm trying to do at least one chapter from every main character's POV, but I'm sure you can tell who my favorites are. I'm just having trouble weaving the storylines together and interconnecting them. But I am working on a storyline that brings the dance and music programs together again.

I was so bummed that this show was cancelled, so here's what I think/hope would have happened in season three. It's completely family-friendly. Please enjoy! This is for entertainment purposes only. I own none of the original characters, however Ms. Staut, Mr. Wilson, and Tyler Snow are my creations.

My favorite ships have always been Carly and Sasha and Kit and Jax.
My favorite character is Miles because he reminds me of Shawn Mendes.
My least favorite character is Jenna. She's too bubbly, or maybe I'm too cynical. 🤷🏼‍♀️
My favorite songs are "Tin Soldier" and "Everywhere is You".
My favorite dance routine is Carly and Sasha's from the first season.

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