Beckett Bradstreet

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Beckett Bradstreet
Grade 11
Dance Program

Heat flooded through my body as I stormed back into the studio. Vanessa would prove Jenna wrong, wouldn't she?

Carly, Sasha, and Vanessa stood huddled around her phone, laughing. I stopped in front of them and crossed my arms.

"Did you and Sasha kiss?" I asked.

Vanessa took a step back, startled. "Beckett—"

"Did you kiss my best friend?" I turned to Sasha and glared at him. "Did you kiss my girlfriend?"

Sasha looked at the floor.

"It was freshman year," Vanessa said. "We hadn't even met yet."

"It meant nothing," Sasha offered. "We were just caught up in some dance excitement."

I saw Carly wilt.

"Did you know?" I asked.

"Yeah," she answered. "Someone posted it on TMK."

And by someone, she meant Jenna.

"Is that where you saw it?" Vanessa asked.

"Jenna told me. I can't believe you never said anything!"

I rushed out of the studio and into the courtyard. Vanessa followed behind me.

"Beckett, it doesn't mean anything. I don't have feelings for Sasha."

"Does he have feelings for you?"

"What? No!" Vanessa scowled. "He loves Carly."

"But he kissed you."

"If you would just let me explain."

"Explain what?" I interrupted. "That my girlfriend and best friend have been sneaking around behind my back. That you've been keeping secrets from me? Everyone knew but me."

"I know. We should have told you. But Carly and Sasha's situation has always been complicated. It really hurt Cee. So, we don't really talk about it."

I shook my head. "What a load of crap. I really thought you were different, Vanessa."

She bristled. "That's rich coming from you."

I kicked a nearby table out of frustration.

Vanessa took a step backwards. Her scowl disappeared, replaced with fear.

"Beckett, you mean everything to me," Vanessa's voice softened.

I'd heard it all before. From my dad. From the friends that never seemed to last. They'd settle your fears with soft words only to stab you in the back as soon as you trusted them. I didn't trust people like that anymore. I needed proof.

"Then stop being friends with Sasha."

"You can't be serious." Her eyes widened. "He's one of my best friends."

"And I'm your boyfriend."

"Can I think about it?"

"If you need time to think, we might as well break up now."

Vanessa glanced back to the studio window where Carly and Sasha watched us. She swallowed and looked back at me.

"If the choice is between you and Sasha, it's not a choice. You," she said.

I unfolded my arms and pulled her into a hug. "You don't need him anyway," I said. "Neither of us do."

Vanessa looked back at the window, pools of sadness forming in her eyes. Enough to make me feel guilty. But I was right. She didn't need Sasha when she had me. I'd prove it to her.

A little bit of a shorter chapter, but things are getting dicey... What will happen to Carly and Vanessa's friendship now?

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