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Handsome: hey

Handsome: how are you?

Meowsoo is now online!

Meowsoo: heyyyy

Meowsoo: i'm doing good

Meowsoo: wbu?

Handsome: i'm doing okay i guess

Meowsoo: why do you guess?

Handsome: cuz i'm not sure myself how i am

Meowsoo: why's that?

Handsome: someone i care about blocked me

Meowsoo: awww

Meowsoo: why did that person block you?

Handsome: because i failed being her friend

Meowsoo: ohh it's a girl

Meowsoo: 😏😏😏

Handsome: ...

Meowsoo: sorry hehe

Meowsoo: but i understand, something similar happened to me too

Meowsoo: well it's partially my fault too but most of it is his

Handsome: care to explain?

Meowsoo: okay..

Meowsoo: i trust you jin so i'm willing to tell you

Meowsoo: well plz don't tell the others..

Handsome: i won't, i promise

Meowsoo: so.. few weeks ago namjoon blocked me since i insulted him pretty badly..

Meowsoo: i felt bad so i didn't request him to unblock me or anything

Meowsoo: it had been days and he still didn't unblock me then

Meowsoo: and the day you guys posted your pic i commented on it hoping namjoon would read it reply since that comment was kind of our inside joke

Meowsoo: but i didn't know that you ppl don't reply

Meowsoo: and so ppl started to bash out on me started sending me death threats

Meowsoo: until now i've deleted about 174 death threats

Meowsoo: i mean i get it that i commented something unnecessary but that doesn't mean everyone will bash out and attack me and even worse send me death threats

Meowsoo: they could calmly tell me and settle this down peacefully, right?

Meowsoo: those comments really hurt me and made me feel insecure about myself

Meowsoo: i have gone through this all before too, both virtually and irl

Meowsoo: i was suicidal before.. my parents used to abuse both my sister and i

Handsome: omg..

Handsome: you're not with them anymore.. right?

Meowsoo: we're not. we both ran away and our aunt took us in

Meowsoo: i found myself a part time job and rented a room in an apartment in which my sister and i now live

Handsome: dang.. I never knew you went through all that

Handsome: i'm so sorry i wasn't there for you that time

Meowsoo: lmao what are you saying? i didn't even know you back then

Handsome: still..

Handsome: i'm so so sorry for not being there for you, minsoo

Handsome: i really am

Handsome: i hope you can forgive me

Meowsoo: ooof stoppp you didn't know me back then, it's not even ur fault jin, stop it

Handsome: ...

Meowsoo: i gotta go now, my sis needs help in her homework

Meowsoo: byee

Meowsoo has gone offline!

Handsome: i'm really sorry minsoo

Handsome: i hope you forgive me, not jin.

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