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Seven Pure Bois

Leader: hey

Bunny: wrong chat, kiddo. minsoo ain't here

Leader: shut up, ik that

Sunshine: minsoo is so nice and understanding, she left this group chat cuz she thought that she'd be poking her nose in our business

Mochi: god she's so kind

Gucciprinceu: how did you get someone like her?? she is so 👌👌👌 it hurts 😭😭😭

Yoongzz: you better not mess anything else up and lose her namjoon

Handsome: heck yeah, ^ and it's coming from yoongi so you must understand how serious this is

Leader: y'all chill

Leader: i'm not dating her

Bunny: yet

Sunshine: we all know you both will be a thing

Yoongzz: soon

Gucciprinceu: very soon

Handsome: very very soon

Mochi: very very very soon

Sunshine: very very very very soon

Bunny: REAL soon

Gucciprinceu: ...

Handsome: bitch, you had to destroy that chain?

Bunny: but mine means sooner that yours!

Leader: guys shut up please

Leader: i need a favour

Bunny: you need tips on how to ask minsoo out?

Bunny: we'll gladly help you

Leader: no

Gucciprinceu: then shoo, we won't help you

Leader: actually... it's something related to minsoo

Gucciprinceu: i take back my words

Handsome: what is it?

Sunshine: spill it

Leader: well, you see.. one month ago it was minsoo's bday

Yoongzz: one month ago?

Bunny: and you're telling us this now?

Leader: shut up, will ya?

Leader: i couldn't really get her a gift for her that time since we weren't that close and if i did give her sth it'd seem creepy

Mochi: so you wanna give her something now?

Leader: well, yeah

Leader: cuz we're much closer now than we were before

Bunny: he admits

Leader: and so i want to give her a gift to her

Leader: even though i know it's late..

Handsome: have you decided what you're going to gift her?

Leader: no..

Leader: because the real question is, HOW i'll give it to her cuz i have no idea where she lives

Yoongzz: oh shit, that's true

Gucciprinceu: ask her for her address?

Bunny: you're so dumb tae, tsk tsk

Bunny: if hyung asks her about her address, she'll be suspicious and probably won't give her address

Leader: ^ exactly

Handsome: hmm.. this is so tough

Mochi: well, is there someone you know who knows her?

Mochi: then you can tell them the reason and ask for minsoo's address

Handsome: that's actually a great idea

Yoongzz: hmm, that might work

Sunshine: but is there someone you know who knows her??

Leader: actually, i do

Bunny: who is it?

Leader: her sister :)

Leader: she's a fan of ours so ofc she'll be more than happy to help us



Handsome: bitch stfu

Gucciprinceu: minsoo is only for namjoon hyung

Bunny: and you're for me

Yoongzz: what the hell?

Gucciprinceu: eWWW NO

Bunny: jk, you suck at overwatch so ihy

Bunny: i bet minsoo is much better than you

Leader: anywaysssss, i'm gonna get going and search for her sister in minsoo's acc

Sunshine: good luck!

Mochi: get ur girl!

Yoongzz: don't mess up

Handsome: and don't creep her sister out

Bunny: tell her sister that i'm soon gonna be her brother-in-law

Leader: oh hell no

Leader has gone offline!

Handsome: damn idky but i feel eo proud and happy

Sunshine: same hyung

Mochi: minsoo is perfect for hyung

Gucciprinceu: they're perfect for each other

Yoongzz: mhm

Bunny: WHAT ABOUT ME????!

hater→knj✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ