"we all do that to everyone" leni said

"yeah, but i do it more than anyone, and lincoln gets the brunt of it," she paused, and started to tear up again "and he'd probably be better of without me..."

lincoln heard a slap echo loudly through his floor, a loud, sharp crack that sounded like it hurt both people

________________________________________________________________________________lori/leni P.O.V.

"don't you EVER say that again" leni shouted

lori rubbed her cheek where leni had slapped her, leni probably didn't mean to hit her that hard, but it still stung

"Oh come on, you know it just as much as I do" lori argued

"I don't know much, but I do know that he loves you, we all do, and we couldn't live our lives without the other, and that's why no matter what has happened, we always come back together" leni shouted, tears in her eyes now as well

"what do you know," lori asked quietly, she walked to the window and opened it, then jumped out, turning to a robin, leni let out a shriek as she watched her sister transform and fly away, just as her scream stopped, lincoln came bursting through her door

"what's wrong," he asked frantically


lincoln rushed back to the attic, slipping multiple times going up the ladder, linka looked at him in worry, she didn't need to ask what happened, she heard leni easily

"need help with this" linka asked

"Yeah, can you calm leni down, and ronnie can you try to keep the others from knowing, and tell lisa, lucy, and lynn the same thing," he asked

"yeah" ronnie replied "but what do you want me to tell everyone," she asked

"just don't mention anything to anyone, and if anyone asks, just say she's being leni," he said

"got it, ronnie confirmed, she and linka went down, linka going to Leni's room, and ronnie going to relay the message to lynn, lucy, and lisa, making sure to keep it quiet so no-one else heard, meanwhile, lincoln left through his window in the attic, taking the form of his signature albino flying fox, meanwhile gleam followed shortly behind, ready to help best he could

"hey gleam, can you check the noth side of town while i check the south" lincoln asked, gleam gave a nod and tilted his wings, peeling left, while lincoln peeled right, scanning everything for a sign she was there, which proved to be difficult, since she could be in the sky, on the ground, or even under some water, hiding as a fish,  how could he find her, their had to be some way

"come on lori, where are you" he muttered to himself

he felt an odd tingling in his head, something telling him to go back, towards where he sent gleam, he tried to ignore it but it became stronger, going from a dull tingle to a small headache, he wanted to continue the way he was going, but did not want to risk the headache becoming a migraine, and so he turned around and went back the direction he came, and his headache went back to a tingling feeling, but it still felt like he was being pulled in that direction, he figured it was one of his powers that he hadn't used yet, but didn't know which one, then he realized, it was pulling him in the direction of lori, he flew faster, his breathing sharp, he scanned the area, and caught sight of gleam, lincoln flew down to his level and spoke to him

"hey gleam, have you seen lori yet" he asked hopefully

gleam shook his head, and looked at lincoln

"well, i think i know which way she went, but i dont know how far she is, are you up for a long flight" lincoln asked

gleam gave a confirming squeek, and lincoln flew ahead towards lori, while gleam followed, they eventually reached the beach, bringing up memories of when he was forced to wear the squirrel costume, but he couldnt dwell on that now, he flew to the ground and turned back to his human form, pulling out his phone he dialed lisa and waited for her to pick up, when she did he wasted no time on formalities, and whent straight to the point

"lisa, I think lori went out to the ocean, but i'm not sure, so i have a few questions"

"fire away" lisa replied, she had been slowly trying to learn some slang, but understood only the simple stuff, which would frustrate anyone who could easily understand quantum physics at just four years old, but she was trying

"Well for one, can you scan the area over the ocean or something, I think lori flew out over it, but I'm not sure, and two, if she did, what would be the best thing to go after her"

"Hmm, well tracking her should be easy, I just need to activate her chip and-"

"I thought you removed those," lincoln replied, confused

"well, no" she replied

"mom told you to remove them, and you even did the surgery," he shouted into the phone

"brother, the surgery still had some purpose, I simply upgraded the chips so I could also monitor your vital signs, in the case of becoming stranded" she answered

"I guess I can't be angry since this IS the only way to get her, Is she over the ocean or not," he asked

"she is over the ocean, and her genetic structure indicates the form of a robin, which is an incredibly dangerous form to be in over the ocean, groupers, sharks, and pelicans are definitely all possibilities, and to answer your question, peregrines are the fastest bird, but for long distances you would want something migratory, or something with high stamina"

"well, I guess I'm going over the ocean"

"Oh, and lincoln, one more thing," lisa said


"can you somehow obtain a jellyfish, any kind will do"  lisa added

"umm, I'll try" he replied

"thank you, and don't worry, it has a good purpose"

"Okay, well, bye now"

"adios" she replied, hanging up, lincoln held the phone in his hand for a moment, then put it into his pocket, he turned into an albatross, and took to the air, gleam flapped hard to keep up

"gleam, you gotta stay here," lincoln said

gleam let out a defiant squeak

"I'm not changing your mind, am I," he asked


"fine, if you get tired just land on my back," he said as they flew out over the ocean

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