Chapter 4: A Need For Help

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     "Okay, everyone feel like they know the place well enough yet?" Crystal asked me and Marx. Buddy yapped in response from by my feet. I only smiled and nodded. The place was huge, but everything was pretty easy to navigate around with there being signs on the walls and a few maps that showed each floor of the big base.

     "Yeah, I think I am good." Marx said happily as he finished up some bread. It was somehow nice and crusty on the outside but moist and the perfect amount of cheweyness to it on the inside. I had already finished mine.

     "Alright then. I have some things to do but I will make sure to find you and show you guys to your rooms when night comes." Crystal said with a kind hostess smile on her face.

     "We get our own rooms?!" I exclaimed in excitement. Marx turned quickly to Crystal with joyful eyes at the same time.

     "Yh- heah. But the rooms are pretty small so we have enough for everyone." Crystal said, a little bashful about it. But me and Marx didn't care. We had never had a room to call our own in our lives! So we were more than happy. "Okay, well, see you guys later." Crystal waved. And in a flash of light, and almost pale blue particles, she was gone. Me and Marx just stared in awe at the trick she just pulled.

     "You think YOU could do that?!" I asked my friend quickly. He just shrugged and showed no desire to try it out. He probably didn't mind being as normal as possible at the moment. So, Marx turned to walk around a little more, and I followed close beside him. Maybe someday we would eventually memorize that place. Unfortunately, we had no idea how little time we had to do so.





     Sorry for the weird words, but that is the only combination of letters I could think of to describe the ear splitting sirens that suddenly rang through the halls.. Me and Marx were quick to cover our ears to attempt blocking out the noise. The lights flashed red every time the sirens blasted. Not a good sign.

     "What is the siren for!?" I shouted to Marx.

     "Whaaat!?" Was all he could return with.

     We saw everyone running or even flying, literally, through the halls in a panic. We raced around too for Crystal, the only person we could think of who would know what was wrong. Eventually me and Marx found ourselves pushing through a worry filled crowd inside a large open room with high scielings and a big, as round as you can get inside Minecraft, round table in the very center. Everyone circled around the table, looking in it's direction.

     "What is going on?!" I pleaded in the crowd for answers. No one seemed to notice me enouh to answer. But the sickening feeling of worry haunting the place told me that whatever it was, wasn't good.

     Finally the ringing in my ears subsided and I could hear Crystal in the center of the room talking in a serious tone to eceryone. I could just barely see the top of her head Bob up and down as she paced while speaking. Later I noticed she was indeed standing on the table since the floor was too crowded. But I could hardly hear a word she said. Finally the crowd hushed enough for me to listen in.

     "-seems as if someone has spilled the information of our location.. And now, Herobrine is on his way.." The entire crowd gasped in panic. "But don't worry everyone!" Crystal comforted. "We have not made this base for no reason.. If I know anything, it is Herobrine. And I have set all this up knowing that he would eventually attack. Now we need to all understand the plan or NOTHING will work in the end! Got it?" Everyone nodded in response. "Good, now Gregory...." She began giving detailed orders to everyone while pointing to places on the table, which had a map on it, to everyone paying attention.

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