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Hey, I really need you. It's bad tonight. "The Number you dialed is no longer in service"







It wasn't my fault, it wasn't. Was it? Maybe it was. After all he said I was created for him.. was I? His voice haunts me, the memories stab me with every thought. Unable to breathe as the Innocent girl screams for help only to be answered with his pants of aggression. Innocent no more he returns night after night. I was created for him this is how its supposed to be.

As years of torment flash through your mind you scream unable to contain the hurt and violation you have endured through all these years. You cannot continue to live with these memories the pain of truly being alone. Innocence ripped away before she even knew what it was.

Years later she finally has become herself attending a never ending jail cell forced to deal with the stares.. do they know. Does it show. Pulling harder on my sleeves. Burning along your arm as your night in shining armor grabs you. Starring into the purples of the eyes and the saftey that comes with those eyes.

Night in shining armor right.. just like every person in your life they leave.. you're nothing. Do you hear that? Nothing.

Such a lovely word. Remember the time you thought a truckload of drugs would heal all your pain. That youd be free. The nothingness you saw for 7 days was wonderful. They say dying is an expirence. Dying is like falling into a heavy sleep. Nothing. No dreams, no thoughts, no memories. Remember that feeling. Truly being free. Go back to that take it again. Feel the nothingness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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