Chapter 8

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Still in the same pov...

"Whose is this?" The lecturer bellowed in anger as I shrunk back into my seat before raising my hand up shakily.

"M-Mine...sir." I answered timidly as he stared at me with an unreadable expression. I can already imagine the amount of trouble I'm going to get into.

"Follow me to my office. The rest of you, self-study." He instructed as I stood up slowly, taking my question paper along with me as I followed behind him silently. "Explain." He simply said as he slammed down my blank piece of OAS onto his desk as I stood in front of him with head hung low.

"I forgot..."

"Forgot? You've actually forgotten that you're supposed to shade your answers on the OAS?" He exclaimed in disbelief as he ran his hand through his balding head in frustration. "What if this was the end of years? Do you know how dangerous it would be for you to forget?" He continued as I hugged my question paper even more tightly.

"S-Sorry, sir. But I did do the paper still." I finally spoke up, placing the crumpled question sheet onto his desk hesitantly as he glared at me with fierce looking eyes. Taking out the answer sheet, he marked it quickly before throwing it at my face harshly.

"Are you trying to be a joke? Treating me like a fool? You call this doing? What happened to your usual standard?" He scolded harshly as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Shit. I've never cried. Must be this guy emotion that's affecting me like this. Wiping my tears away before they fell, I slowly picked my paper up to see a bright red ugly circle with a 27/50 written in it. I passed... no?

"But I passed-"

"Pass? Is a pass all you're aiming for?! What happened to your spirit and enthusiasm in your studies? Even the other lecturers have commented that you've been sleeping in their class." He scolded on and on and on without mercy. This is why I hate school. Without giving a second look, I stomped out of the office and into the male toilet, ignoring his shouts after me. Fuck him, fuck school. Why can't I just die at the start? Why am I even here in someone else's body, trying so hard to act like him?

Tears of stress finally broke through the dam as they flowed down my face freely endlessly as I hid in a cubicle. I would rather live like how I used too rather than this life. As I cursed this life, soft shuffles of feet sounded in the air as a figure stood outside my door with his back against it. "You crying?" He asked. That sounds like silver gorilla.

"Crying? Who the hell is crying you gorilla?" I retorted, wiping my tears away quickly as I slapped my cheeks to get a grip.

Hearing a long sigh, a milk carton came flying into the cubicle and into my hands. Isn't this the one he gave me this morning?  Not caring that I was still in the toilet, I poked it open with the straw as I sucked on the milky goodness which helped to calm my rapid heart. "Better?" I nodded but realised he couldn't see me.

"Yea... thanks." I sighed out exhaustedly as I felt myself calming down.

"...What do you mean by you died and almost died?" He asked out of nowhere as I stiffened. Shit. I didn't mean to slip that one out, nor for him to catch that. Staying silent, not knowing how to answer, he continued talking, spilling his heart out, not even caring that we weren't close. "Someone I loved died a few months ago...I didn't get to even tell him how much I've missed him."

Hearing the bomb which he dropped, I sat there speechless as I wondered how should I tackle it. He didn't seem like someone who will share his personal story to others, much less me. "Why not?"

"I kept telling myself that I'll tell him soon but in the end, I lost my chance, I lost him." His voice broke slightly at the end, making my heart clench for him slightly as I empathised with him. I know how painful it is and powerless it felt to see your loved one die in front of your very own eyes. It was like the time Mum died...

"... How did he die?" I approached the topic cautiously, not wanting to hit any sensitive spots. Just because I act like an ass doesn't mean that I don't have a heart.

"Car accident... he died on the spot." He said it emotionlessly but who knows how hurt he actually is. Sighing lightly, I opened the cubicle door slowly, throwing the milk carton into the bin, before washing my hands then facing him. Though he may have sounded unaffected but the redness in his eyes told another story. Sigh...this poor thing. He's more like a big teddy than a gorilla.

Without warning, I wrapped my arms around his much more muscular torso, burying my face into his sculptured and firm chest as I patted his back, well I tried to. Curse his height. "I'm not tall, you're just short." He snorted. Did I really say it out loud?

"Oh fuck you. Here I was trying to be nice and there you are mocking my height. I used to be as tall as you or even taller you ass." Rolling my eyes, I pushed him away before crossing my arms in frustration before looking up at him into his eyes. wait. He's an ass. But his eyes are gorgeous... ah fuck. My brain is messed up.

"You worry about me?" He asked in a amused tone as my eyes widened at the words I had unknowingly sputtered out.

"You wish. I was just cleaning my snorts on your shirt." I huffed, half wanting to kick his ass for being such a dick.

"So you were crying." He confirmed with a playful grin, making me realise that I've dug myself a deeper grave. But hey he should smile more. He looks good. Urghhh!!! Stop stop stop! This gay brain is turning my thoughts gay! Meanwhile, I'm neither gay, bi, straight, pan or asexual! I'm S1-sexual.
$-sexual if you don't get it. Give me money and I'll love you for life.

"So if I'll to give you a dollar, you'll love me for life?" Was I speaking out loud again? Sigh... most probably.

"W-What?! No! Well...if you make it a 100, maybe. Wait. What the hell am I saying? No. Definetely not!" But if it's 100 a day, I'll consider.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked before forgetting. I've been wanting to ask but it kept slipping my mind. Oh ya! His contact too!

"I know yours but you don't know mine?" He asked in disbelief as he narrowed his eyes down at me. Well that looks hot too on him. Why is life so unfair?! Good grades and good looks all on this boring guy. I bet he has a whole line of girls queuing up wanting to have a chance with him.

"Well sorry you don't get called out in class." I sassed, rolling my eyes at him. Mr Goody-2-shoes.

"Norman." He replied shortly.

"What kind of name is that?" I laughed, earning an annoyed look from him. "What are you trying to be man? A normal man? So, Norman?" I teased. Instead of looking more pissed off, he soft look dawned on his face as he stared at me weirdly. Err...did I cross the line or something? Oops?

"Create a new contact." I ordered, making him stare at me questioningly but nonetheless, following my words before passing it to me. Smart guy. Keying in my contact details quickly, I saved it into his phone. Not before gasping out loud when my eyes landed on the time. Holy shit! We only have 37 minutes left for break! Wasting no time at all, I threw him back his phone before grabbing him by arm and racing towards the cafeteria. I'm ain't gonna waste even a second more of my break!

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